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  • Contributors

Cornelius Conover received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Austin, and is assistant professor of history at Augustana College in South Dakota. He has published “Catholic Saints in Spain’s Atlantic Empire” in Empires of God: Religion and Empire in the Early Modern Atlantic (2010).

Néstor I. Quiroa is associate professor of Latin American colonial literature at Wheaton College in Illinois. He has written articles on the colonial religious context of the Popol Vuh, as well as articles on the indigenous responses to evangelization recorded in other native-authored colonial K’iche’ texts.

Jake Frederick, assistant professor of history and chair of the Latin American Studies program at Lawrence University, received his doctorate in history at The Pennsylvania State University in 2005. He is the author of “Pardos Enterrados: Unearthing Black Papantla in the Eighteenth Century,” published in the Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History (2004).

Julia Sarreal is assistant professor at the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University. She received her doctorate from Harvard University in 2009 and is working on a book titled Subjects of Reform: The Guaraní and Their Missions on the South American Frontier.


