In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

5 zuckerman Phyllis Zuckerman a dialogue between gertrude stein and karl marx It was very very and the when do you say so? Blood boiled on Soweto's children Cornelia wore roses We always came for tea Around six Wars were Weren't they Yes and I, too Overly so However Fetishes Commodities, she said, do you hear me? After the roses faded the scent We talked about the marriage And it seemed So And it seemed so So it seemed Once again As if How could we have They cut off his fingers When they told him to play Guitars are toys In sports arenas Footballs Falling footsteps Did you hear about the mine? They say it blew up Camellias, I understand, are even more beautiful Petals fall in the evening Tea is at four We spoke of prosody Form, we said, Not content 6 the minnesota review Fingers touched Thoughts erased Worlds of whys wobbled Did you say, surplus? Surplus-value? Care for an after-dinner mint? Pass the sugar In Paris On a Thursday In the rain She killed herself There Where the the The the Some say some say they struggled Overly So ...

