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DAVID PECK THE NEW MARXIST CRITICISM. A BIBLIOGRAPHY, II In the two years since I put together the first bibliography of new Marxist criticism (no. 1 below), the movement has mushroomed in many directions . The present supplement cannot pretend to be comprehensive, but I hope that it does record most of the major books, articles, and journals that have appeared in the last two years (plus a few items I missed in the first listing ). My limitation is again items avaUable in English, and I have also consciously limited diis update, for reasons of space, to work in literature and aesthetics, which means that I have excluded items dealing solely with the visual arts, theatre, film and TV, philosophy, and linguistics. As a matter of convenience—and because I want this supplement to be used in conjunction with the original bibliography-I have stayed with the outline form of that first listing, except for a few minor changes: I have combined D and E of the original into D here, and made E a heading for "Special Issues of Journals," where I spell out the contents of those Marxist numbers. F remains a list ofjournals where Marxist essays and reviews can frequently be found. Throughout this supplement, I have abbreviated the most common titles ofjournals, and a list of abbreviations appears at the end of this introductory note. In spite of my limitations here, the lists grow longer every year, as the foUowing pages indicate. In the interest of keeping this bibliography up-todate , I would ask the readers ofMR to note omissions and future items and send them to me. Hopefully we can make this an ongoing and useful listing of the most recent work in Marxist literary criticism and aesthetics. journal abbreviations: CE (College English)MR (The Minnesota Review) SaS (Science & Society)L&H (Literature & History) NGC (New German Critique)NLH (New Literary History) . BIBLIOGRAPHICAL TOOLS 1.David Peck, "The New Marxist Criticism: A Bibliography," MR, 2-3 (Spring-Fall 1974), 127-32. SOURCES OF MARXIST CRITICISM 2.David Craig, ed., Marxists on Literature: An Anthology (Penguin Books, 1975). Selections from Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Plekhanov, PECK 101 and Lenin. (See no. 4 below.) 3.Mikhail Lifshitz, The Philosophy ofArt ofKarlMarx (1933/38; Pluto Press, 1973). Reprint of the "best study in English of Marx's cultural views" (Baxandall, 1968). C. 20TH CENTURY EUROPEAN MARXIST CRITICISM 4.David Craig, ed.,Marxists on Literature: An Anthology (no. 2 above). Includes more recent essays by Caudwell, Kettle, Lukacs, Brecht, Ernst Fischer, others. 5. ________, The Real Foundations: Literature and Social Change (Oxford , 1974). Chapters on Shakespeare, Sillitoe, Dickens, etc. (See review in CE, 37, September 1975). 6. ________ and Michael Egan, "Can Literature Be Evidence?" MR, 4 (Spring 1975), 85-105. 7.Terry Eagleton, ?/yr/is of Power: A Marxist Study ofthe Brontes (Barnes & Noble, 1975). See review in present issue ofMR. 8. ________, "Ideology and Literary Form," New Left Review, 90 (March-April 1975), 81-109. See comment in 91, reply in 92. 9. ________, "Marxism and Form," Poetry Nation, 1 (1973), 59-61 . 10.Hans Magnus Enzensberger, The Consciousness Industry: On Literature , Politics and the Media (Seabury Press, 1974). Essays 19621973 , selected and with a postscript by Michael Roloff. 1 1 . Andrew Feenberg, "Aesthetics as Social Theory: Introduction to Feher's 'Is the Novel Problematic?'." Telos, 15 (Spring 1973),41-6. Feher's essay, foUowing, deals with Lukacs' The Theory ofthe Novel (1920; MIT, 1971). 12.Lucien Goldmann, Towards a Sociology ofthe Novel (1964; Tavistock , 1975). See reviews in MR 6, L&H 2. 13.Hans Robert Jauss, "The Idealist Embarrassment: Observations on Marxist Aesthetics," NLH, 7 (Autum 1975), 191-208. 14.Roy Johnson, "The Proletarian Novel," LaH, 2 (October 1975), 8495 . 15.Jack Lindsay, "The Role of the Individual in Art," Marxism Today, 19 (May 1975), 152-60,133. 16.Georg Lukacs, Soul and Form (essays, 1910; MIT, 1974). Most recent in a series of Lukacs reprints, published in this country and in England (Merlin Press). See no. 1 1 above, and: Peter Murphy, comp., Writings By and About Georg Lukacs: A Bibliography (AIMS Bibliographical Series No. 1 1 , 1976). Several hundred items, through 1975. 17.Stefan Morawski, Inquiries Into the Fundamentals ofAesthetics (MIT...

