In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE AMERICAS A QUARTERLY REVIEW OF INTER-AMERICAN CULTURAL HISTORY C U M U L A T I V E I N D E X V O L U M E 6 7 J U L Y 2 0 1 0 T H R O U G H A P R I L 2 0 1 1 P U B L I S H E D Q U A R T E R LY B Y T H E A C A D E M Y O F A M E R I C A N F R A N C I S C A N H I S T O R Y B E R K E L E Y , C A 593 A R T I C L E S Number 1, July 2010 1 SUSAN VERDI WEBSTER: The Devil and the Dolorosa: History and Legend in Quito’s Capilla de Cantuña 31 NATALIA SOBREVILLA PEREA: The Enduring Power of Patronage in Peruvian Elections: Quispicanchis, 1860 57 MARC MCLEOD: “We Cubans Are Obligated Like Cats to Have a Clean Face”: Malaria, Quarantine, and Race in Neocolonial Cuba, 1898–1940 83 GEORGE REID ANDREWS: Afro-World: African Diaspora Thought and Practice in Montevideo, Uruguay, 1830–2000 Number 2, October 2010 153 FLÁVIO DOS SANTOS GOMES: Africans and Slave Marriages in EighteenthCentury Rio de Janeiro 185 ERIK LARS MYRUP: Kings, Colonies, and Councilors: Brazil and the Making of Portugal’s Overseas Council, 1642–1833 219 SEBASTIÁN CARASSAI: The Formation of a Post-Peronist Generation: Intellectuals and Politics in Argentina through the Lens of Contorno (1953–1959) 253 WILLIAM H. BEEZLEY: Juan O’Gorman, Daniel Cosío Villegas, and the Mexican Historical Profession: An Interview with Josefina Zoraida Vázquez Number 3, January 2011 SPECIAL ISSUE: MEXICAN PUPPETS AS POPULAR AND PEDAGOGICAL DIVERSIONS 307 WILLIAM H. BEEZLEY: Introduction: Mexican Puppets as Popular and Pedagogical Diversions 315 YOLANDA JURADO ROJAS: Puppet Theater in Eighteenth-Century Mexico 331 FRANCISCA MIRANDA SILVA AND WILLIAM H. BEEZLEY: The Rosete Aranda Puppets: A Century and a half of an Entertainment Enterprise 355 ELENA JACKSON ALBARRÁN: Comino Vence al Diablo and Other Terrifying Episodes: Teatro Guiñol’s Itinerant Puppet Theater in 1930s Mexico 375 STEPHEN E. LEWIS: Modernizing Message, Mystical Messenger: The Teatro Petul in the Chiapas Highlands, 1954–1974 CUMULATIVE INDEX 595 Number 4, April 2011 441 COR Y CONOVER: Saintly Biography and the Cult of San Felipe de Jesús in Mexico City, 1597–1697 467 NÉSTOR QUIROA: The Popol Vuh and the Dominican Religious Extirpation in Highland Guatemala: Prologues and Annotations of Fr. Francisco Ximénez 495 JAKE FREDERICK: Without Impediment: Crossing Racial Boundaries in Colonial Mexico 517 JULIA SARREAL: Disorder, Wild Cattle, and a New Role for the Missions: The Banda Oriental, 1776–1786 Notes and Reviews 109, 269, 399, 547 Inter-American Notes 113, 271, 409, 557 Reviews 596 CUMULATIVE INDEX BO O K S RE V I E W E D , B Y TI T L E Aftershocks: Earthquakes and Popular Politics in Latin America edited by Jürgen Buchenau and Lyman L. Johnson, reviewed by Gregory Knapp, 1:137 The AIDS Pandemic in Latin America by Shawn Smallman, reviewed by Cristiana Bastos, 4:583 All Can Be Saved: Religious Tolerance and Salvation in the Iberian Atlantic World by Stuart B. Schwartz, reviewed by James E. Wadsworth, 4:557 Ballads of the Lords of New Spain: The Codex ‘Romances de los Señores de la Nueva España’ by John Bierhorst, reviewed by John F. Schwaller, 1:122 Between Tyranny and Anarchy: A History of Democracy in Latin America, 1800–2006 by Paul W. Drake, reviewed by Erika Gabriela Pani Bano, 1:132 Beyond Brasilia: Contemporary Urbanism in Brazil edited by Vicente del Rio and William Siembieda, reviewed by Fernando Luiz Lara, 2:282 Black and Green: Afro-Colombians, Development, and Nature in the Pacific Lowlands by Kiran Asher, reviewed by Ulrich Oslender, 1:143 Black and Indigenous: Garifuna Activism and Consumer Culture in Honduras by Mark Anderson, reviewed by Sarah England, 2:297 Black Mexico: Race and Society from Colonial to Modern Times edited by Ben Vinson III and Matthew Restall, reviewed by Aaron...

