In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contributors Romanus Cessario, O.P., Professor ofTheology at St. John's Seminary (Massachusetts), is the author of numerous works including The Moral Virtues and Theological Ethics, Perpetual Angelus:As the Saints Pray the Rosary, and LeVirtu. He is a member of the editorial board of The Thomist. From 1 979 to 1 987 he was Academic Dean of the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. JOHN F. CROSBY is Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Franciscan University—Steubenville. His book Selfliood ofthe Human Person was published last fall by the Catholic University ofAmerica Press. He has also written several papers on the thought of John Henry Newman. His article "Conscience and Superego: A Phenomenological Analysis ofTheir Difference and Relation" will appear in Issue 4 oíLogos. Avery Dulles, S.J., one of the distinguished theologians ofthe twentieth century, is the Lawrence J. McGinley Professor at Fordham University. Among his numerous publications are Models ofthe Church, The Resilient Church, The Assurance ofThings Hoped For, The Survival ofDogma, Apologetics and the Biblical Christ, and TAe Reshaping ofCatholicism. Laura Garcia teaches philosophy at Rutgers University. Her publications include "Teleological and Design Arguments" in the Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Religion, "Timelessness, Omniscience andTenses"in theJournal ofPhilosophical Research, and"Divine Freedom and Creation" in Philosophical Quarterly. She is a co-founder ofUniversity Faculty for Life and ofWomen Affirming Life. JOSEPH A. KOMONCHAK is Professor of Theology at the Catholic University of America. His several publications include The History ofVatican II and The Reception of Vatican 11 in which appears his article "The Local Realization of the Church." He has also written on Ex Corde Ecclesiae in Commonweal. JANUZ Królikowski is Assistant Professor of Moral Theology at the Pontifical Atheneum ofthe Holy Cross where he received his doctorate. He also holds a Licentiate in Oriental Ecclesiastical Sciences from the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Gabriel J. Zanotti is Professor of Philosophy at la Universidad del Notre Tomás de Aquino in Argentina. His books include Introducción a la Escuela Austriaca de Economia, Economia de Mercadoy Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, and Filosofia para nofilósofos. ...

