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September 2003 Historically Speaking5 1 RECENT PUBLICATIONS Gordon Morris Bakken and BrendaLaurie Winn Carlson, Seduced by theIan Dowbiggin, KeepingAmerica Sane: Farrington, eds., Encyclopedia ofWest: Jefferson'sAmerica andtheLurePsychiatryandEugenics in the United Women ofthe American West, (Sageofthe Land Beyond the MississippiStates and Canada,1880-1940 (CorReference , Inc., 2003).(Ivan R. Dee, 2003).nell University Press, 2003). William H. Bartsch, December 8, 1941: MacArthur 's Pearl Harbor (Texas A&M University Press, 2003). Robert L. Beisne, ed., American Foreign Relations since 1600: A Guide to the Literature (ABC-CLIO, 2003). Jeremy M. Black, European InternationalRelations , 1648-1815 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2002); Warfare in the Western World, 1882-1975 (University of Indiana Press, 2002); The Worldin the Twentieth Century (Longman, 2002); "A Different West? Counterfactualism and the Rise ofBritain to Great Power Status," Francia 28 (2001): 129-145; War:AnIllustrated WorldHistory (Sutton Publishing, 2003); France andthe Grand Tour (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003); European Warfare, 1494-1660 (Routledge, 2002); A History ofthe BritishIsles.lnd ed. (Palgrave Macmillan , 2002); "Military Change in Historical Perspective," in Theo Farrell and Terry Terriff, eds., The Source of Military Change (Lynne Reiner, 2002), 21-38; "Pitt the Elder and the Foundation ofand Imperial ForeignPolicy," inT.G. Otte, ed., The Makers ofBritish ForeignPolicy: From Pitt to Thatcher (Palgrave Macmillan, 2002), 35-51; and "Eighteenth-Century English Politics : Recent Work," Albion 35 (2003):25-52. Randolph B. Campbell, Gone to Texas: A History of the Lone Star State (Oxford University Press, 2003). Henry C. Clark, ed., Commerce, Culture , andLiberty: Readings on Capitalism before Adam Smith (Liberty Fund, 2003). Robert J. Cottrol, Raymond T. Diamond , and Leland B. Ware, Brown V. Board ofEducation: Caste, Culture, andthe Constitution (University Press ofKansas, 2003). Owen Connelly, On War and Leadership : The Words ofCombat Commandersfrom Frederickthe Great to Norman Schwarzkopf (Princeton University Press, 2002); "The Historiography of the Levee en Mass of 1793," in Daniel Moran and Arthur Waldron, eds., The People in Arms (Cambridge University Press, 2003), 33-48. James Doyne Dawson, "A Darwinian View ofWarfare,"HistoricallySpeaking : TheBulletin oftheHistoricalSociety (June 2002): 12-23; "The Return of Science: Evolutionary Ideas and History," revised version republished in Philip Pomper and D.G. Shaw, eds., TheReturn ofScience: Evolution, History , andTheory (Rowman and Littlefield , 2002), 97-121. John A. D'Elia, "George Eldon Ladd," in Timothy Larsen, ed., Biographical Dictionary ofEvangelicals (InterVarsity Press, 2003), 354-56. Justus D. Doenecke, The New Deal (Krieger, 2003) William Edgar, "Register?," Nuance 123 (2002):5-6; "Worldview Wisdom ," in Kent Matthews, ed., Not Omitting the Weightier Matters: Ministry in the Twenty-First Century, Essays in Honor of Robert E.L. Rodgers (Ambassador Publications, 2002), 27^10; and "The Light of Schleiermacher in Restoration France: The Test ofSamuel Vincent and Merle d'Aubigné," in PeterA. Lillback, ed., The Practical Calvinist: An Introduction to thePresbyterian andReformed Heritage, in Honor ofD. Clair Davis (Mentor/Christian Focus Publications, 2002), 281-299. John Erlen, Carey Balaban and Richard Siderite, TheLadiesDispensary (Routledge , 2003); "Hidden Treasures in the History ofPsychiatry: Review ofDissertations ," History ofPsychiatry 13 (2002): 485-497; "List ofDissertations in Ancient Medicine 1999-2000," SocietyforAncientMedicineNewsletter (2002), 6-70; and"History ofMedicine 's Hidden Treasures," The Watermark25 (2002):22-23. Richard W. Etulain and Glenda Riley, eds., Wild Women ofthe Old West(Fulcrum Publishing, 2003); ed. with Ferenc M. Szasz, The American West in 2000: Essays in Honor ofGerald D. Nash (University of New Mexico Press, 2003). Constantin Fasolt, The Limits ofHistory (University of Chicago Press, forthœming, 2003); translation ofHer- 52 Historically Speaking · September 2003 mann Conring'sNewDiscourse on the Roman-German Emperor (Medieval & Renaissance Texts and Studies, forthcoming, 2004); and "Political Unity and Religious Diversity: Hermann Conring's Confessional Writings and the Preface to Aristotle's Politics of 1637," Memorial Volumefor Bodo Nischan (Ashgate, forthcoming). John Ferling, A Leap in the Dark: The Struggle to Create the American Republic (Oxford University Press, 2003). James F. Garneau, "St. Katharine Drexel in Light ofthe New Evangelization " Josephinum Journal ofTheology 10 (2003): 122-131; "The Director and His Eminence: The Working Relationship and Questions ofChurch and State as Reflected in Cardinal Cushing's FBI File," American Catholic Studies 114 (2003): 37-53. Charles Glenn, The Myth ofthe Common Schoolis beingrepublishedbythe Institute for Contemporary Studies. The studywas originallypublishedby the University ofMassachusetts Press in 1988. Gary Greenberg, Manetho...

