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42Historically Speaking · November/December 2004 "On Texts and Teresa: History and the Integration ofScripture, Doctrine, and Practice." Mark Smith was given an endowed chair: Carolina Distinguished Professor ofHistory. He continues to serve on the editorial board of the Journal ofSouthern History and as general editor for the Southern Classics series. He is also a new father. Mary Stroll received an international travel award from the Medieval Academy ofAmerica to attend a conference in Budapest from October 13-16 on Queens and Queenship. She gave apaper entitled "Three Queens and Calixtus II." David J. Ulbrich received the 2003-04 John. S. Kramer Award for the outstanding graduate student in American history at Temple University . He is currently finishing his dissertation titled "Managing Marine Mobilization: Thomas Holcomb andthe U.S. Marine Corps, 1936-1943" under Professor Gregory Urwin's direction. Ulbrich is an instructor in history and in correctional education at Ball State University. RECENT MEMBER PUBLICATIONS ArthurAbraham, An Introduction to the PreColonial History of the Mende ofSierra Leone (Edwin Mellen, 2003); Chapters 5 and 10 of Between Democracy and Terror (Codesria, 2003). Mike Allen, The Confederation Congress and the West (Edwin Mellen, 2005); and Larry Schweikart, A Patriot's History ofthe United States: From Columbus 's GreatDiscovery to the War on Terror (Penguin, 2004). Mark Bauerlein co-authored Civil Rights Chronicles: The African American Struggle for Freedom (Publications International, 2004); "The Diversity Kit and Caboodle," The Weekly Standard(April 2004). Christopher Collier,All Politics is Local: Family , Friends, and Provincial Interests in the Creation ofthe Constitution (University Press ofNew England, 2004). Paul Crawford, translation of The "Templar ofTyre": Part III ofthe Deeds ofthe Cypriots (Ashgate Publishing, 2003). Ian Crowe, ed. An Imaginative Whig: Reassessing the Life and Thought ofEdmundBurke (2004). MichaelDennis,LutherP. Jackson andaLifefor CivilRights (UniversityPress ofFlorida, 2004). Dr. James Friguglietti, "The Making ofan Historian : The Parentage and Politics ofGeorge Rudé," Revolution, Nation, and Memory: Papers from the George Rudé Seminar in FrenchHistory (University ofTasmaniaPress, 2002). Ron Fritze, with Brian E. Courts and Louis A. Vyhanek, Reference Sources in History: An Introductory Guide (ABC-Clio, 2004) Richard M. Gamble, 77ie Warfor Righteousness : Progressive Christianity, the Great War, and the Rise ofthe Messianic Nation (ISI Books, 2003). John Grigg, '"A Principle of Spiritual Life': David Brainerd's Surviving Sermon," TheNew England Quarterly 11 (June 2004): 273-282. Claudia Haake, "Two Stories Yaqui Resistance in Sonora and Yucatan," Podery Resistencia En La Historia de America Latina (Vervuert 2004); "(Un)bewaltigte Vergangenheit Guatemala und Genozid" Konfliktive Geschichte: DieErinnerunganDiktaturen und Bürgerkriege inLateinamerika(Vervuert, 2004) Paul R. Hanson, Historical Dictionary ofthe French Revolution (Scarecrow Press, 2004). George W. Harper, A People So Favored of God: Boston 's Congregational Churches and Their Pastors, 1 710-1 760 (University Press ofAmerica, 2004), forewords by Richard F. Lovelace and Mark A. Noll. D.G. Hart, Deconstructing Evangelicalism: ConservativeProtestantism in theAge ofBilly Graham (BakerAcademic, 2004); ed., J. Gresham Machen: Selected Shorter Selected Writings (P&R Publishing, 2004). Peter Hayes, From Cooperation to Complicity : Degussa in the ThirdReich (Cambridge University Press, 2004). Earl Haynes, with Harvey Klehr The Rejection ofAmerican Society by the Communist Left (Ivan R. Dee, 2004). Gertrude Himmelfarb, The Roads to Modernity : The British, French, and American Enlightenments (Knopf, 2004). Melvin Holli, with Paul Green, World War II Chicago: Images ofAmerica (Arcadia Publishing , 2004); "Finland's Ski Troops," Skiing Heritage: Journal ofthe International SkiingAssociation 4 (2003). R. Douglas Hurt, "Reflections on American Agricultural History,"'Agricultural History Review 52 (2004): 1-19. William Issel, ed. with Robert W Chemy and Kieran W. Taylor, American Labor and the Cold War: Grassroots Politics and Postwar Political Culture (Rutgers University Press, 2004); author ofchapter "? Stem Struggle': Catholic Activism and San Francisco Labor"; '"For Both Cross and Flag': Catholic Action in Northern California during the 1930's" in Walter Prescott Web Lectures (Texas A&M Press, 2005); '"Still Potentially Dangerous in Some Quarters': SylvesterAndriano, Catholic Action, and Un-American Activities in California ," Transatlántica: Revue d'études américaines —AmericanStudiesJournal(Fall 2004). Rick Kennedy, with Thomas Knoles and Lucia Zaucha Knoles, StudentNotebooks at Colonial Harvard: Manuscripts andEducationalPractice , 1650-1740 (AmericanAntiquarian Society , 2003); TheHistoryofReasonableness: Testimony andAuthority in the Art ofThinking (University ofRochester Press, 2004). November/December 2004 Historically Speaking43 Margaret L. King, Humanism, Venice, and Women: Essays...

