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A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CIVIL WAR ARTICLES: 1975 Compiled by Jane A. Benson I. General Blassingame, John W. "The Planter on the Couch: Earl Thorpe and the Psychodynamics of Slavery." Journal of Negro History, LX, 320-331. Brown, Richard D. "Modernization: A Victorian Climax." American Quarterly, XXVII, 533-548. Clifford, Géraldine Joncich. "Saints, Sinners and People: A Position Paper on the Historiography of American Education." History of Education Quarterly, XV, 257-272. Cochran, Thomas C. "The Paradox of American Economic Growth." Journal of American Hhtory, LXI, 925-942. De Graaf, Lawrence B. "Recognition, Racism and Reflections on the Writing of Western Black History." Pacific Historical Review, XLIV, 22-51. Drimmer, Melvin. "Thoughts on the Study of Slavery in the Americas and the Writing of Black History." Phylon, XXXVI, 125-139. Garrett, George. "[Shelby] Foote's The Civil War: The Version for Posterity?" Mississippi Quarterly, XXVIII, 83-92. Goldin, Claudia G. and Frank D. Lewis. "The Economic Cost of the American Civil War: Estimates and Implications." Journal of Economic History, XXXV, 299-326. Goodwin, Jack. "Current Bibliography in the History of Technology ." Technology and Culture, XVI, 195-286. Hall, David D. "The Victorian Connection." American Quarterly, XXVII, 561-574. Horsman, Reginald. "Scientific Racism and the American Indian in the Mid-Nineteenth Century." American Quarterly, XXVII, 152-168. Horwitz, Morton J. "The Rise of Legal Formalism." American Journal of Legal History, XIX, 251-264. Howe, Daniel Walker. "American Victorianism as a Culture." American Quarterly, XXVII, 507-532. Karcher, Carolyn L. "Melville's 'The Gees': A Forgotten Satire on Scientific Racism." American Quarterly, XXVII, 421-442. Levstik, Frank R. "A Bibliography of Civil War Articles: 1974." Civü War History, XXI, 330-348. 254 McKenzie, Robert H. "Clio's Partners: The Significance of Alabama History and the Contributions of its Contemporary Historians ." Ahbama Review, XXVIII, 243-259. Meyer, D. H. "American Intellectuals and the Victorian Crisis of Faith." American Quarterly, XXVII, 585-603. Moses, Wilson J. "Civilizing Missionary: A Study of Alexander Crummell." Journal of Negro History, LX, 229-251. Paludan, Phillip S. "Taking the Benefits of the Civil War Issue Seriously: A Rejoinder to John S. Rosenberg." Civil War History, XXI, 254-260. Pessen, Edward. "The 'Pessen Thesis': Brief Reflections by its Author." New York History, LVI, 456-460. Roper, Donald M. "Beyond the Jacksonian Era: A Comment On the Pessen Thesis." New York History, LVI, 226-233. Rosenberg, John S. "The American Civil War and the Problem of 'Presentism': A Reply to Phillip S. Paludan." Civil War History, XXI, 242-253. Simpson, John A. "The Cult of the 'Lost Cause'." Tennessee Historical Quarterly, XXXIV, 350-361. "Southern History in Periodicals, 1974: A Selected Bibliography." Journal of Southern History, XLI, 201-232. Swanson, Dorothy. "Annual Bibliography on American Labor History , 1974." Labor History, XVI, 521-540. II. Slavery Astrachan, Anthony. "Struggle Beneath the Skin." [Review article ] Saturday Review, II, January 11, 1975, 20-25. Bennett, Lerone, Jr. "The Coming of Age of Frederick Douglass." Ebony, XXX, vi, 33-42. Blassingame, John W. "Using the Testimony of Ex-Slaves: Approaches and Problems." Journal of Southern History, XLI, 473-492. Calhoun, Daniel. "Call to Quarters: A Review Essay." Agricultural History, XLIX, 448-472. Canarelia, GiORCio and John A. Tomaske. "The Optimal Utilization of Slaves." Journal of Economic History, XXXV, 621-629. Clarke, T. Erskine. "An Experiment in Paternalism: Presbyterians and Slaves in Charleston, South Carolina." Journal of Presbyterian History, LIII, 223-238. Cleveland, Len G. "Letter From a Former Alabama Slave to His Old Master." Ahbama Review, XXVIII, 151-152. David, Paul A. and Peter Temin. "Capitalist Masters, Bourgeois Slaves." Journal of Interdisciplinary History, V, 445-457. Dew, Charles B. "Black Ironworkers and the Slave Insurrection Panic of 1856." Journal of Southern History, XLI, 321-338. 255 256CIVIL WAR HISTORY ----------. "The Sambo and Nat Turner in Everyslave: A Review of RoU, Jordan, Roll." Civil War History, XXI, 261-268. EcNAL, Marc. "American Slavery: The Newer Exegesis." [Review article] Canadian Review of American Studies, VI, 110-117. Fleissner, Robert F. "Dickens on Slavery." Negro History Bulletin , XXXVIII, 478-479. Flusche, Michael. "Joel Chandler Harris and the Folklore of Slavery." Journal of American Studies, IX, 347-363. Foner, Eric. "Redefining the Past: Time on the Cross." Labor...

