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Contributors Brian McCrea is author of Henry Fielding and the Politics ofMid-Eighteenth-Century England and Addison and Steele Are Dead. He teaches at the University of Florida. Malcolm Cook is Professor of Eighteenth-Century French Studies at the University of Exeter and General Editor of The Modern Language Review. His most recent publications include Fictional France, Social Reality in the French Novel, 1775-1800 (1993). J. David Macey, Jr, is a doctoral candidate in English at Vanderbilt University. His research interests are eighteenth-century women's writing and the eighteenth-century novel. Daniel Robinson has published articles on Charlotte Smith and the eighteenth-century revival of the sonnet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Mary Robinson, William Hazlitt, Anna Seward, and Evelyn Waugh. He is currently co-editing, with Paula R. Feldman, an anthology of sonnets, 1750-1850, and is working on a critical book on poetic form, poetic fame, and women Romantic poets of the late eighteenth century. ??? Ferris is Professor of English at the University of Ottawa. She is author of The Achievement of Literary Authority: Gender, History, and the Waverley Novels (1991), and is currently working on a study of the romantic national tale. P.N. Furbank and W.R. Owens are the authors of The Canonisation of Daniel Defoe (1988) and of Defoe De-Attributions: A Critique ofJ.R. Moore's "Checklist" (1995). Jean Terrasse, professeur de littérature à l'Université McGiIl, est l'auteur de JeanJacques Rousseau et la Quête d'or, Le Mal du siècle et l'ordre immuable, Rhétorique de l'essai littéraire, Le Sens et les signes. Études sur le théâtre de Marivaux, et De Mentor à Orphée. Essais sur les écrits pédagogiques de Rousseau. Paul Alkon, Leo S. Bing Professor of English at the University of Southern California and a Past President of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, is author of Samuel Johnson and Moral Discipline, Defoe and Fictional Time, Origins ofFuturistic Fiction, and Science Fiction before 1900: Imagination Discovers Technology. Aux S. Déguise, Professor Emérita of Connecticut College, is author of a study of Mme de Charrière, and has written widely on eighteenth-century writers as well as on France's resistance in the Second World War. Paul Downes teaches in the English Department of the University of Toronto. Montserrat Cots Vicente est ProfesseurTitulaire de Littérature Française à l'Université Pompeu Fabra, Barcelone. Son champ de recherches au xvm* siècle inclut le genre épistolaire, l'histoire de la traduction littéraire, et la littérature comparée. Dustin Griffin is Professor of English at New York University. His most recent book is Literary Patronage in England, 1650-1800 (1996). Marie-France Silver est professeur de littérature française au Collège Glendon de l'Université York. ...

