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Contributors Cynthia Wall is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Virginia. She is author of The Literary and Cultural Spaces of Restoration London (forthcoming), and editor of the Bedford Cultural Edition of The Rape ofthe Lock (1998). She has published essays on Defoe's academy for women, the correspondence of Pope and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, the gendering of domestic space, London topographies, streetspace in novels, and the rhetorics of auction catalogues. She is currently working on a literary and cultural study of the eighteenth-century English auction. Edward Copeland is F.S. Jennings Professor of English at Pomona College, Claremont, California. He has written on Clarissa and the map of London, and is currently developing a project on maps, London urban improvements, and the regency novel. He recently co-edited, with Juliet McMaster, The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. Christopher Fanning is completing his PhD dissertation, "The Presence of the Text: Sterne, Satire, Sublime," at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He teaches at Queens College, cuny. Peter Wagstaff is Senior Lecturer in French at the University of Bath. His research interests lie in French Utopianism and in the development of autobiographical writing in France from the eighteenth century to the present. He is author of Memory and Desire: Rétif de la Bretonne, Autobiography and Utopia (1996). Mladen Kozul, chercheur à l'Université de Zagreb, puis enseignant à la Sorbonne et à I'inalco (Paris), est auteur des études sur les formes narratives et les représentations spatiales dans les littératures française et slaves des xvme et XIXe siècles. Claire Garry-Boussel est professeur de Lettres classiques à Paris. Elle prépare actuellement une thèse sur "Les Personnages masculins chez Mme de Staël: ouvrages d'imagination et écrits philosophiques," à la Sorbonne (Paris iv). Martin C. Battestin has written extensively on Fielding and his works, including articles on the films of Tom Jones and Joseph Andrews. Paul Fortier enseigne les Lettres françaises au Collège de Rimouski. Il est l'auteur d'une maîtrise sur la communication non-verbale dans Le Paysan parvenu de Marivaux. Jean Terrasse, professeur de littérature à l'Université McGiIl, est l'auteur de JeanJacques Rousseau et la Quête d'or, Le Mal du siècle et l'ordre immuable, Rhétorique de l'essai littérature, Le Sens et les signes. Etudes sur le théâtre de Marivaux, et De Mentor à Orphée. Essais sur les écrits pédagogiques de Rousseau. Robin Howells, who is a specialist in the French Enlightenment, has published a Critical Guide and half a dozen articles on Rousseau's Julie. Carol Blum, Research Professor of Humanities at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and President of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, is currently completing a study of the literature of depopulation delusion in eighteenthcentury France. Eleanor Ty is Associate Professor of English at Wilfrid Laurier University. She is author of Unsex'd Revolutionaries: Five Women Novelists of the 1790s (1993) and of Empowering the Feminine: The Narratives of Mary Robinson, Jane West, and Amelia Opie, (1796-1810), forthcoming. Albert J. Rivero, Professor of English at Marquette University, has published several articles and books on eighteenth-century British literature. A member of the Editorial Board of The Works of Tobias Smollett, he is working on a critical edition of Samuel Richardson 's correspondence and on two books, tentatively titled Duplicitous Representations: Fashioning Fiction from Behn to Burney and Empires ofMemory. ...

