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CONTRIBUTORS GEORGE A. DRAKE, Assistant Professor ofEnglish at Central Washington University , has published on TomJones and has an article forthcoming on Scott's Fortunes ofNigel. PETER SABOR is Professor of English at Université Laval, Québec. His recent work includes an edition oí Frances Burney'sJournals and Letters (2001), coedited with Lars Troide, and a six-volume edition, The Pamela Controversy (2001), coedited with Thomas Keymer. MALINDA SNOW, Professor of English at Georgia State University, specializes in eighteenth-century fiction, and has published on Fielding and on Defoe. She is also interested in rhetoric. STEPHEN CARL ARCH, Associate Professor of English at Michigan State University , is the author of AJter Franklin: The Emergence ofAutobiography in PostRevolutionary America, 1780-1830. PAUL ALKON, Leo S. Bing Professor of English at the University of Southern California, is author of SamuelJohnson and MoralDiscipline, Defoe andFictional Time, Origins ofFuturistic Fiction, and Science Fiction before 1900. MICHAEL GAMER is Associate Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania. ALANJ. SINGERMAN est professeur de français au Collège Davidson en Caroline du Nord. Il est spécialiste du roman du XVIIIe siècle français et de ses adaptations cinématographiques. CLIVE PROBYN is Professor of English and Head, School of Literary, Visual and Performance Studies, Monash University. He is co-editor of the novels and correspondence of the Australian novelist, Henry Handel Richardson (1870-1946) , and is currently working on an account of Cervantes and the eighteenth-century English novel. EVERETT ZIMMERMAN is Professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the author of The Boundaries ofFiction: History and the Eighteenth-Century British Novel. AUDREY BILGER, Associate Professor of Literature at Claremont McKenna College, is the author of Laughing Feminism: Subversive Comedy in Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth, andJane Austen (1998). She writes on eighteenthcentury British women writers and on women's humour, comedy, and satire. PAULKEEN is Associate Professor of English at Carleton University. He is the author of The Crisis ofLiterature in the 1 790s: Print Culture and thePublic Sphere (1999), Reading at the Limits: A Romantic Print Culture Anthology (forthcoming ), and The Radical Popular Press in Britain, 1811-1821 (forthcoming). MONIQUE MOSER-VERREY est professeure titulaire de littfatures française et allemande à l'Université Laval. Elle a publié plusieurs articles sur Isabelle de Charrière; elle collabore aux travaux de la SATOR; et s'intéresse de façon soutenue aux langages du corps romanesque. JANET TODD is the Francis Hutcheson Professor of English Literature at the University of Glasgow; her most recent books are biographies of Aphra Behn and Mary Wollstonecraft. ...

