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STATEMENT BY WOMEN IN BLACK September 12, 2001 In the aftermath ofthe terrible attack on New York and Washington on September11, we urgentlycall on all thosewith responsibilityand authority , in our national governments and international institutions, to step back from war. Our hearts go outto those people who have lost familyand friends, and our deep sympathy to those injured. Those who perpetrated the violence must be brought to justice under international law. But we strongly believe the urge to vengeance must be resisted. A war waged by the U.S. and its allies will cause the death ofmany innocentpeople , will de-stabilize many governments and societies, and its long-term effects on relations between countries and regions ofthe world will be disastrous. Terrorism cannot be defeated by such means. We have to ask why so many people around the world have felt mixed feelings in response to the suffering ofthe U.S. While poverty and hunger, injustice and exploitation , are experienced by so many, and the policies ofthe rich countries are seen as contributingto them, genuine despairwill sometimes turn to desperation , and will fuel terrorism. We urge all political and military authorities, national and international , to turn away from strategies ofwar and combine their efforts in seeking strategies for an inclusive, just and equal global society. Without that, we will never see peace. Signed by: Women in Black: London; Edinburgh, Scotland; Neu> York; Mendocino, California; San Francisco, California; Toronto, Canada; Seville, Spain (Mujeres de Negro); Madrid, Spain (Mujeres de Negro); Bologna, Italy (Donne in Nero) wluml, Women Living under the Muslim Latv, France Womenfor Peace Sivitzerland andthegroupjrom Basle, Sivitzerland Grupos de Mujeres, Zaragoza, Spain Peace Group, Denmark Inizjamed (Mediterranean Cultural Initiative), Malta Sahrang Communication, Mumbai, India (Meridians:feminism, race, transnationalism 2002, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 271]©2002 by Wesleyan University Press. All rights reserved. Vi ...

