In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Summer 2010 Authors of Essays, Review Essays, Crit­ ical Responses, Review Fora, and Book Reviews Ablow, Rachel. Review: Cohen, Embodied : Victorian Literature and the Senses, 155–57. Abrams, Lynn. Review: Martin, The Mighty Scot: Nation, Gender, and the Nineteenth-Century Mystique of Scottish Masculinity, 634–35. Aguirre,RobertD.Review:Brantlinger, Victorian Literature and Postcolonial Studies, 465–66. Auerbach, Nina. Review: Marshall, Shakespeare and Victorian Women, 663–64. Austin, Linda M. Review: Rudy, Electric Meters: Victorian Physiological Poetics, 322–24. Bacon, Douglas R. Review: Snow, Blessed Days of Anaesthesia: How Anaesthetics Changed the World, 495–97. Badowska, Eva. Review: Hagan and Wells, eds., The Brontës in the World of the Arts, 480–82. Ballantyne, Tony. Review: Carey, ed., Empires of Religion, 467–68. Baker, Samuel. Review: Amigoni, Colonies , Cults and Evolution: Literature, Science and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Writing, 647–49. Black, Barbara J. Review: Potvin and Myzelev, eds., Material Cultures, 1740–1920: The Meanings and Pleasures of Collecting, 486–88. Braun, Marta. Review: Otter, The Victorian Eye: A Political History of Light and Vision in Britain, 1800–1910, 324–27; Keller, Brought to Light: Photography and the Invisible, 1840–1900, 324–27. Bristow, Joseph. Review: Kingston, Oscar Wilde as a Character in Victorian Fiction, 164–66. Brown, Marshall. Review: Stewart, Novel Violence: A Narratography of Victorian Fiction, 682–84. Bryden, Inga. Review: Lupack and Lupack , Illustrating Camelot, 482–84. Burstein, Miriam Elizabeth. Review: O’Cinneide, Aristocratic Women and the Literary Nation, 1832–1867, 312–14. Bynum, William. Review Forum: Ruse and Richards, eds., The Cambridge Companion to the “Origin of Species,” 460–62. Canales, Jimena. Review: Hutchins, British University Observatories 1772– 1932, 489–91. Carens, Timothy L. Review: Godfrey, The January-May Marriage in Nineteenth -Century British Culture, 314–16. Cargnello, Davide. Review: Tyler, Idealist Political Philosophy: Pluralism and Conflict in the Absolute Idealist Tradition , 132–34. Carr, Julie. Review: Waldman, The Demon and the Damozel: Dynamics of Desire in the Works of Christina Rossetti and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 659–61. Carter, Alexandra. Review: Wilson, Literature and Dance in NineteenthCentury Britain: Jane Austen to the New Woman, 472–74. Clark, Geoffrey. Review: Alborn, Regulated Lives: Life Insurance and British Society, 1800–1914, 651–53. VICTORIAN STUDIES: INDEX TO VOLUME 52 (2009–2010) 698 victorian studies / Volume 52, no. 4 Claybaugh, Amanda. Review: Davis, Why Victorian Literature Still Matters, 342–44; Levine, How to Read the Victorian Novel, 342–44. Cleere, Eileen. Review: Markwick, Morse, and Gagnier, eds., The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope’s Novels: New Reading for the TwentyFirst Century, 506–09. Colligan, Colette. Review: Mason, The Secret Vice: Masturbation in Victorian Fiction and Medical Culture, 321–22. Corbett, Mary Jean. Review: Sanders, The Tragi-Comedy of Victorian Fatherhood , 316–18. Cronin, Richard. Review: Saunders, Women Writers and Nineteenth-Century Medievalism, 138–40. Cunningham, Hugh. Review: Flegel, Conceptualizing Cruelty to Children in Nineteenth-Century England: Literature , Representation, and the NSPCC, 501–02. Daly, Nicholas. Review: Zieger, Inventing the Addict: Drugs, Race, and Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century British and American Literature, 655–56. David, Deidre. Review: Jones, McDonagh , and Mee, eds., Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cites and the French Revolution , 632–34. Dawson,Gowan.ReviewForum:Schmitt, Darwin and the Memory of the Human: Evolution, Savages, and South America, 457–59. Day, Catherine and James G. Lennox. Review Forum: “Seeking Darwin’s Origins,” 449–56. Driver, Felix. Review: Cavell, Tracing the Connected Narrative: Arctic Exploration in British Print Culture, 1818– 1860, 625–28; Potter, Arctic Spectacles: The Frozen North in Visual Culture ,1818–1875, 625–28. Driver, Felix, and Sonia Ashmore. Essay: “The Mobile Museum: Collecting and Circulating Indian Textiles in Victorian Britain,” 353–85. Duncan, Ian. Review: Bell, The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, Volume 3: Ambition and Industry 1800– 1880, 519–21. Edmond,Rod.Review:Jolly,RobertLouis Stevenson in the Pacific: Travel, Empire, and the Author’s Profession, 127–29. Elmer, Jonathan. Review Forum: “Questions of Archive and Method in Transatlantic Studies,” 249–54. Evangelista, Stefano. Essay: “Vernon Lee in the Vatican: The Uneasy Alliance of Aestheticism and Archaeology ,” 31–41. Evans, Arthur V. Review: Clark, Bugs and the Victorians, 491–93. Farrell, Sean. Review: Bew, The Glory of Being Britons: Civic Unionism...

