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THE FREE PRODUCE ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS. 67 THE SUMMER MEETING. The annual summer pilgrimage of Friends' Historical Association took place Fifth Month sixteenth, 1925. The objective was the old Friends' Meeting House at Woodbury, New Jersey. As usual in recent years, the weather was friendly and a happy journey through the country-side was the auspicious prelude to an interesting occasion. George Vaux, Jr., as president, and Charles F. Jenkins, as vice-president, took charge of the meeting in the old meeting house. Warner Underwood, a member of the meeting, gave some interesting facts touching its early history . He emphasized especially the efforts to promote school education among the children of Friends. Frank H. Stewart (not a Friend), President of the Gloucester County Historical Society, spoke ex tempore on the early history of the county. He took the commonly known facts for granted and dwelt largely upon interesting items of traditional and personal interest. Just a few notes on Woodbury Quaker history may be mentioned in this account for the help of those unfamiliar with the subject. The Fenwick Quaker colony at Salem, in 1675, proved to be the entering wedge for what was a very important element in the settlement of West Jersey. John Wood and others of the name settled on what we now call Woodbury Creek in 1683,—naming the stream from their own name and Bury, in England, from whence they came. They started the first Friends meeting in their locality. Others joined them and the settlement spread inland. The present site was selected in 1715 and a portion of the house now in use was erected. It survived the vicissitudes of the Revolutionary War, having a full share of romance and tragedy. After the historical program, those present adjourned to their box suppers and to the customary postlude of Quakerly confabulation. An interesting and appropriate by-product of the meeting came to light later. The ancient shutters, closed for nearly a century, remained open the following First-day, and Friends of the two branches worshipped in Friendly unity. It is to be hoped that this salutary " reversion to type " may become the established way of life at Woodbury. In connection with Woodbury Quaker history see frontispiece above. " TO THE COUNCIL OF OFFICERS " BY GEORGE FOX. In a recent issue of the Bulletin (13:78 ff.) I argued from internal evidence for the authenticity of the essay entitled " To the Councill of Officers of the Armie and the Heads of the Nation, and for the Inferior Officers and Souldiers to Read." It will be remembered that it was printed without date, place or imprint, that its attribution to George Fox is based upon the signature F. G. and upon the fact that the copy in Friends Reference Library, London, was endorsed in pencil at an unknown date " G. F. 1659 " and bound and indexed (it is said by Joseph Besse) as the work of 68 BULLETIN OF FRIENDS' HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. George Fox, and that recently on account of its somewhat militant tone some writers on Quakerism have called its authenticity in question. Norman Penney has kindly sent me an interesting piece of early external evidence which he has come upon from an unexpected quarter and which fully supports the traditional authorship of the paper. The reference is in a letter of 23 November, 1680, from John Pennyman to Ambrose Rigge and is therefore of a date within twenty-one years of the publication referred to and in correspondence between persons who were both in close touch with Friends at that earlier date. The words " Chief Leader G. F." exclude the conjecture that George Fox the Younger is meant. The extract is quoted from " Short Account . . . John Pennyman," London, 1696, p. 127, and is as follows : " Tis much that you that take upon your self to be a Teacher of Others, and an Instructor of Youth, should be so Unsavoury in your Words as proceeded from thee this Day in (thy Sermon) calling a sober Person an Unclean Spirit and a Nasty Spirit : I confess when I heard the latter Words, it put me in thoughts that it was probable thou hadst learned such Language from they...

