In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Réjean Beaudoin
Professeur Émérite, Université de Colombie Britannique

Mathieu Bélisle
Professeur, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf à Montréal Stagiaire postdoctoral à l'Université de Chicago (2008–09) Le Drôle de roman. L'oeuvre du rire chez Marcel Aymé, Albert Cohen et Raymond Queneau (2010)

Michel Biron
Professeur Titulaire de Littérature Française, Université McGill Co-auteur, avec F. Dumont et É. Nardout-Lafarge, l'Histoire de la littérature québécoise (2007)

Danielle Bobker
Assistant Professor of English, Concordia University 'Liminal Intimacies: Closets, Carriages, and the British Social Imagination, 1650–1770' (in progress). 'Carriages, Conversation, and A Sentimental Journey' (2006)

Isabelle Daunais
Professeur Titulaire de Littérature Française, Université McGill Les grandes disparitions. Essai sur la mémoire du roman (2008)

Maria Dibattista
Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Princeton University Imagining Virginia Woolf (2008) Fast-Talking Dames (2003) Co-editor, High and Low Moderns (1997) First Love (1991) Virginia Woolf's Major Novels (1980)

François Dumont
Professeur au Département des Littératures, Université Laval Co-auteur, avec M. Biron et É. Nardout-Lafarge, Histoire de la littérature québécoise (2007)

Katie Gemmill
PhD student in English, Columbia University

Allan Hepburn
Professor of English, McGill University Enchanted Objects: Visual Art in Contemporary Literature (2010) Editor, Troubled Legacies (2007) Intrigue: Espionage and Culture (2005)

Nicola Nixon
Associate Professor of English, Concordia University '"Prismatic and Profitable": Commerce and the Corporate Person in James's "The Jolly Corner"" (2004) 'Men and Coats; or the Politics of the Dandiacal Body in Melville's Benit Cereno' (1999) 'The Reading Gaol of Henry James's In the Cage' (1999)

Christophe Pradeau
Maître de Conférences, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne Co-éditeur des Réflexions sur la littérature d'Albert Thibaudet (2007)

Betty A. Schellenberg
Professor of English, Simon Fraser University The Professionalization of Women Writers in Eighteenth-Century Britain (2005) Co-editor, Reconsidering the Bluestockings (2003) Co-editor, Part Two: Reflections on the Sequel (1998) The Conversational Circle: Rereading the English Novel, 1740–1775 (1996)

Liisa Stephenson
Lecturer, McGill University 'Reading Matter: Modernism and the Book' (in progress) 'A Portrait of the Artist as Landscape: F.H. Varley and A.M. Klein' (2005)


