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tember, 1968. And last fall, as Comediantes must now be aware, the production came to New York's Greenwich Village and was given several performances in the cleared auditorium of the Washington Square Methodist Church, the type of setting demanded by Grotowsky to accommodate his barren pit stage. [A review of the Mexican performance , by Juan Miguel de Mora in El Heraldo, is reprinted in Revista de bellas artes, IV, no. 24 (Nov.-Dec, 1968), p. 104. Elizabeth Hardwick discusses the New York production in "The Theater of Grotowsky," New York Review of Books, XIV, no. S (Feb. 12, 1970), pp. 3-5]. A special event accompanying the University of Texas' symposium on "Juan del Enzina and the Spanish Renaissance " (December 2-6, 1968) was a production of the Egloga de Plácida y Vitoriano. [Hispania, LII (1969), 120]. On April 10-12 of 1969, the Experimental Theatre of San Diego State College presented Lope's Fuente Ovejuna in the translation by Jill Booty, adapted and directed by Betty A. Carr as part of the requirements for her Master's degree. [Courtesy Thomas E. Case]. On May 7 and 8, 1969, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese of the University of Maryland presented a velada teatral comprising the Alvarez Quinteros' Mañana de Sol and Cervantes ' El viejo celoso, directed by Rosina Navarrete. [Courtesy Everett W. Hesse ]. Comedia productions in American universities in early 1970 have included Gil Vicente's Comedia de Rubena, by the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese of Indiana University (March 6 and 7), and Moreto's El lindo don Diego, by the Dept. of Romance Languages and the Sociedad Hispánica Carolinesa of the Univ. of North Carolina (March 19 and 20). On March 26, 1970, in Toronto, a production by the experimental Theatre Passe Muraille of John Osborne's A Bond Honoured (based on Lope's La fianza satisfecha) opened for an indefinite run. &**9&i EL MENTIDERO DE COMEDIANTES Tenemos el gran placer de dar la bienvenida a nuestro primer Comediante honorario, el profesor Václav Cerny, de Checoslovaquia, cuya elecci ón se ha anunciado arriba, en inglés, en las actas de la reunión de 1969. Desafortunadamente , nuestro impresor no posee los tipos especiales que requiere el nombre "Cerny" — una "C" con un acento circonflejo invertido, y una "y" con acento agudo. No obstante, tomamos este medio para expresar nuestra admiración y apreciación de las contribuciones del profesor Cerny a las letras humanas y, especialmente, al drama del Siglo de Oro español. La única edición moderna de las obras de Lucas Fernández, la de Manuel Cañete, publicada en 1867, se ha hecho casi imposible de obtener; pero ahora, por primera vez en más de un siglo, sus farsas y églogas se hallan otra vez asequibles. El profesor John Lihani ha producido una nueva edición: Lucas Fernández, "Farsas y églogas," edition with introduction and notes. New York: Las Americas Publishing Co., 1969. Pp. 235. $4.50. Esta edición tiene, además de su introducción y notas, un glosario que será de gran utilidad para profesores y estudiantes. 26 Besides dedicating the fall 1969 issue of our Bulletin to Professor Gerald E. Wade, it was decided that he should also be presented with a scroll signed by as many well-wishers as possible. Since advance notice of this proposal could not be communicated to all Comediantes , we shall recount the circumstances here. An artist was commissioned to put into Old English, or Gothic, lettering the following text: TABULA GRATULATORIA / Whereas Gerald E. Wade, our friend and colleague and "Tirsista Extraordinario" / has retired, in this year 1969 A.D., from Vanderbilt University, in the City of / Nashville in the State of Tennessee, and . . . / Whereas the hereinaforenamed Gerald E. Wade had previously completed a / successful career in, and had retired from, the University of Tennessee, in the City of / Knoxville in the State of Tennessee, / Therefore, We the undersigned, in recognition of this most excellent and extraordinary / accomplishment, do hereby offer our friend and colleague, Gerald E. Wade, our / most sincere and hearty CONGRATULATIONS . / In witness whereof we do herewith append our signatures /. The heading, the two...

