In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

My impression is that the collection contains some rare and interesting items. A few years ago when I was preparing an edition of Rojas Zorrilla's La vida en el ataúd, I searched in Spanish and other European libraries for manuscripts and sueltas of the play but found none. If the copy listed in the present catalogue is indeed a suelta and not pages torn from the volume in which the play was first printed (Parte 32 of the Comedias escogidas), it is a rare item indeed. Comediantes are indebted to Professor McKnight and Mrs. Jones for their fine work. Not only have they given us a meticulous catalogue of a valuable collection but they have discovered the authors of many anonymous works and have corrected other faulty attributions . Their catalogue is the product of solid research. ^*x, 3^^ MLA Meeting Spanish 3: The Spanish Comedia Wednesday, December 29 — 10:15 a.m.— Wednesday, December 29 Palmer House, State Ballroom Chairman, Arnold G. Reichenberger Univ. of Pennsylvania Secretary, Warren T. McCready Univ. of Toronto I. Business II. Papers 1."Some New Thoughts on the Early Spanish Theater," Charlotte D. Stern, Lynchburg Coll. (20 min.) 2."Gil Vicente: The Spanish Début," Jack H. Parker, Univ. of Toronto. (20 min.) 3."Don Antonio Sigler de Huerta —Calderon's Enemy," Edward M. Wilson, Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge Univ.; Indiana Univ. (20 min.) III. Discussion The luncheon will be held at Stouffer 's (26 West Madison Street), on Wednesday, December 29, at 12:15 p.m. The price will be $3.00. Those who wish to attend are requested to notify Professor Edwin J. Webber ( Department of Romance Languages , Northwestern University, Evanston , Illinois 60200) at least two days in advance of the luncheon meeting. The cost of printing the spring, 1965, issue of the Bulletin was borne by the University of Arizona. If you have not already paid your dues for 1966, please send in $2.00 by January 1 to the business manager, Professor J. Richard Andrews (Dept. of Spanish, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024). A Current Bibliography of Foreign Publications Dealing With the Comedia Compiled by Warren T. McCready University of Toronto Robert R. Bishop Michigan State University 1965—2 35 Miscellaneous Asensio, Eugenio. Itinerario del entrem és desde Lope de Rueda a Quiñones de Benavente. (Con cinco entremeses inéditos de don Francisco de Quevedo). Madrid, Gredos, 1965. Pp. 374. Benítez Claros, Rafael. "Novedades sobre el auto sacramental." Atlántida, II, 215-17. [On Flecniakoska's La formation de ÎAuto . . . ]. Cerny, Václav. "Teoría política y literatura del Barroco." AtlÁntida, II, 488-512. [Contains materials from Calder ón, Corneille, Baro, etc.] Franzbach, Martin. "Die 'Lustige Person' (Gracioso) auf der spanischen Bühne und ihre Funktion, dargelegt an Calderons El mágico prodigioso." Neuere Sprachen, no. 2, pp. 61-72. José Prades, Juana de. Teoria sobre hs personajes de la comedia nueva. Madrid, 1963. Rev. J. A. van Praag, Neophilologus, XLIX, 181. Krispyn, Egbert. "Grillparzer's Tragedy Die Jüdin von Toledo." MLR, LX (1965), 405-15. [Contains references to Lope de Vega's Las paces de los reyes] . Lazar, Moshe (ed.). Romanica et Occidentalia. Etudes dédiées à la mémoire de Hiram Peri (Pfaum). Jerusalem , Magnes Press, Université Hébra ïque, 1963. Pp. 368. [Contains J. de Entrambasaguas, "Las Tiipérboles' y 'energías' de La Dorotea de Lope de Vega."]. Moll, Jaime. "Catálogo de comedias sueltas conservadas en la Biblioteca de la Real Academia Española." BRAE, XLIV (1964), 309-60 [continues]. Quintanilla, Condesa de. "Documentos sobre comediantes en Extremadura en el siglo XVII." Revista de Estudios Extremeños, XIX (1963), 10120 . Rozas, Juan Manuel. "Dos notas sobre el mito de Faetón en el Siglo de Oro." Boletín Cultural (Embajada Argentina , Madrid), no. 2 (1963), 81-92. Ruiz-Lagos de Castro, Manuel. Controversias en torno a la licitud de las comedias en la ciudad de Jerez de la Frontera (Años 1550-1825). Jerez de la Frontera, Centro de Estudios Hist óricos Jerezanos, 1964. Pp. 106. Stegagno Picchio, Luciana. Storia ciel teatro portoghese. Roma, Edizioni dell' Ateneo, 1964. Pp. 410. Rev: C-H. Freches and P. Teyssier, Bull...

