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H. L. Sears; K. Selig; A. S. Trueblood; R. W. Tyler; G. E. Wade; B. W. Wardropper . 1965 Officers: Chairman, Arnold G. Reichenberger, Univ. of Pennsylvania; Secretary, Warren T. McCready, Univ. of Toronto. (Nominations to be voted on.) The Comediantes luncheon will be held at 12:30 on the day of the Spanish 3 meeting (December 28) in the Gate of Cleve, Sheraton Atlantic Hotel. The cost, including 20% to cover tip and tax, will be $3.60. Those wishing to attend should send their checks to Professor R. R. MacCurdy (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico) by December 10. Progress Report Spanish 3—MLA—Research Committee . Lope de Vega Bibliography. "Lope de Vega Studies 1937-1962: A Critical Survey and Bibliography" At the time of writing ( September 1, 1964), the manuscript has just been completed for publication by Xerox process through the University of Toronto Press. It is estimated that the finished volume (of just over 200 pages) will be ready for sale by the time of the December, 1964 Meeting in New York. Comediantes will receive details of price, method of ordering, etc., by circular letter. J. H. Parker, (Toronto) Chm. Announcements As we stated in the spring issue, the University of Texas generously bore the entire cost of printing that issue. We add here our acknowledgement of the support of the University of Arizona in covering the cost of mailing copy, proofs and the Bulletin, as well as that of some inevitable long-distance telephone calls. The University of Arizona has provided a subsidy of $150 toward the printing of this issue. But, since printing costs are high, your prompt and faithful payment of the subscription is essential to the continued existence of the Bulletin. A Current Bibliography of Foreign Publications Dealing with the Comedia Compiled by Warren T. McCready University of Toronto Robert R. Bishop Michigan State University 1964—2 Miscellaneous Flecniakoska, Jean-Louis. La formation de l'auto religieux en Espagne avant Calderón (1550-1635). Montpellier , 1961. Rev: Dietrich Briesemeister, Archiv f. Stud., Band 200 (1963), 31011 . Flecniakoska, J.-L. "L'Horreur morale et l'horreur matérielle dans quelques tragédies espagnoles du XVIe siècle." In Jacquot and Oddon, Les Tragédies de Sénèque. . . ., pp. 61-72. Flecniakoska, J.-L. "Les rôles de Satan dans les pièces du Còdice de autos viejos." Revue des hngues romanes, LXXV (1963), 195-207. García Pavón, F. (ed.). Teatro menor del sigh XVII. (Antología). Madrid, Taurus Edics. Pp. 211. Jacquot, Jean, and Oddon, Marcel (eds.). Les Tragédies de Sénèque et le théâtre de la Renaissance. Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1964. Pp. xii-320. MacCurdy, Raymond R. "La Tragédie néo-sénèquienne en Espagne au XVIIe siècle, et particulièrement Ie thème du tyran." In Jacquot and Oddon , Les Tragédies de Sénèque . . ., pp. 73-85. Reynolds, John J. "Libro 43: Un tomo 16 ...

