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Vicente, Gil. Tragicomedia de Amadís de Gaula. Ed. T. P. Waldron. Manchester University Press, 1959. Pp. vi, 114. Reviews by B. W. Ellis, AUMLA, no. 13, 104-05; and Stephen Reckert, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, XXXVII, 251-52. Villaizán Inserni, Frank M. Vida y obras de Jerónimo Villaizán y edición crítica y anotada de "A gran daño gran remedio" Barcelona, Ediciones Rumbos. Pp. 155. Zabaleta Glaser, Edward. "Escenificación de una leyenda segoviana de Zabaleta." Estudios segovianos , X, 153-78. Comedia—Performances El mágico prodigioso was performed in the Residenztheater in Munich on the occasion of the International Eucharistie Congress . German version by Eugen Gürster. [Spanish Cultural Index, no. 176-77 (Oct.), citing Süddeutsche Zeitung, l-VIII-60]. Cervantes's El cerco de Numancia was produced in Segovia by the Valladolid Chamber and Experimental Theater, directed by A. R. Platera and C. Escobar. [Spanish Cultural Index, no. 175, Aug.] The "Teatro de Juventudes" presented three entremeses by Cervantes (Los habladores , La guarda cuidadosa, and El retablo de las maravillas) at the Teatro Goya, under the auspices of the Cervantes Society of Madrid. [Spanish Cultural Index, no. 174, July]· The Grenier de Toulouse company performed Cervantes's El retablo de las maravillas at the Théâtre Capitole, Toulouse. [Spanish Cultural Index, no. 174, July]. Los empeños de una casa, dramatization of poetical texts by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, at the Teatro Español, Madrid, presented by pupils of the Paris Conservatoire. [Span. Cult. Ind., no. 175, Aug.]. Moreto's El Undo don Diego was given at the Schauspielhaus in Bochum, in German . [Span. Cult. Ind., no. 175, Aug.]. La fe and Los desposorios de Cristo, autos sacramentales of Juan Timoneda, were performed in the Real Colegio de Corpus Christi, Valencia, in honour of the canonization of San Juan de Rivera. Version of F. Sánchez Castañer. [Span. Cult. Ind., no. 175, Aug.]. Lope de Vega's Fuenteovejuna, at the Teatro del Pueblo (Havana), April 23-26. Lope de Vega's auto sacramental, El pastor lobo, by Valladolid City Corporation. [Span. Cult. Ind. no. 175, Aug.]. La viuda valenciana, by Lope de Vega, had one performance only, at the Maria Guerrero Theatre. [Span. Cult. Ind. no. 179, Dec.]. ANNOUNCEMENT The Editor of the Bulletin is pleased to join the Faculty of the University of Minnesota in June, 1961. After this date, kindly address all communication to him care of Department of Romance Languages, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minnesota . K.-L. S. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Delano, Lucile K. (Winthrop College). (1) A critical index of sonnets in the comedías of Lope de Vega's contemporaries; 2. An edition of La hermosura de Raquel by Vélez de Guevara. Espantoso, A. A Study of Magic and Astrology in the Plays of Juan Ruiz de Alarcón. (Diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania, O. H. Green and A. G. Reichenberger). Ebersole, A. V. (Univ. of Massachusetts). Calderón de la Barca. La desdicha ¿e la voz (1639). An edition based on the autograph ms in the collection of the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid. Marin, D. (Univ. of Toronto). (1) edición crítica de El galán de L· MembrtUa; 10 (2) El empleo y valor funcional de las formas métricas en la comedia de Lope de Vega. Morrison, Robert R. Sainthood in the Golden Age Drama. (Diss., Univ. of Florida, F. Hayes). Peyton, Myron (Univ. of North Carolina). Studies on the early plays of Lope. Reichenberger, A. G. (Univ. of Pennsylvania ). (1). A comprehensive book on the Comedia. (2) A Critical Edition of Lope de Vega's Autograph Manuscript Carlos V en Francia with Introduction and Notes. Scungio, Raymond L. A Study of Lope de Vega's Use of Italian novelle as Source Material for his Plays, together with a Critical Edition of the Autograph Manuscript of La discordia en los casados (Diss., Brown University, W. Fichter and A. Trueblood). Noticia de una Obra Inédita Calderoniana John J. Reynolds, St. John's Univ. (N.Y.) Casi extraviada entre las páginas de informaci ón comercial del número 37 de El Libro Español (enero de 1961...

