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bell, and others) have expressed the desire of making a start in the work of classifying and gathering motifs; some are already gathering them (Professors McCready and Bishop), and these have told me that they will cooperate with a definite program, once one has gotten underway; I find myself acting as a kind of "coordinator of thematic affairs" ; and there is much correspondence between various members of the Comediantes about a workable system of motifs. With so much activity and interest in evidence, something concrete must be done as regards a policy for classification. I should like to suggest a few aids for gathering motifs and some ideas as to their convenient recording. Before I do so, I must quote once more from Professor Reichenberger's most recent letter to me, for what he has to say is significant and pertinent. He would like to see—and I am sure that the Comediantes as a group would agree—the following activities carried out before the next meeting of the MLA: (1)Collateral reading by one or two of the members in English theatre research and theory of Motif, if there is ones (2)A number of plays analyzed by the volunteers i (3)These analyses sent to the "coordinator of thematic affairs" who will arrange to have other analyzers examine them i (4)A report of these "readers" to the coordinator , with suggestions and recommendations i (5)Coordination of the foregoing and a final report to be given at the 1954 MLA meeting of the Comediantes. As to suggestions and "ground rules" for gathering and recording motifs, let me offer the following: (1)Even though it may not be best to attempt to force motifs into an existing system , I feel that the one I suggested which was based upon the Thompson system might be followed until a better one can be devised. Such a system can help us to go ahead and all the entries in it could easily be converted to some other arrangement later. (2)Even if volunteers prefer not to use this system, to be amplified below in briefest outline of main divisions, they could go ahead and gather motifs from the comedia. For convenience to themselves and to the clearing house, which must arrange and order the entries as they are sent in, may I suggest that motifs be written on 3x5 cards in the most succinct form possible with the line number given, and if the edition used has no numeration for lines, then the page number given? The 3x5 card sent to the central clearing house might be the carbon copy of a 3x5 slip of paper to be kept by the analyser for his own use. (3) The few changes from the headings of the system presented in the Bulletin for Fall, 195 3 demand, I believe, that I offer a complete listing of headings. These are: A.Mythological Motifs M. Ordaining the Future B.AnimalsN. Chance and Fate C.Historical MotifsP. Society D.MagicQ. Rewards and PunishE .The Deadments F.MarvelsR. Captives and Fugitives G.OgresS. Unnatural Cruelty H. TestsT. Sex and Love I. Honor MotifsU. The Nature of Life J. The Wise and theV. Religion Fool¡9hW. Traits of Character K. DeceptionsX. Humor L. Reversal of FortuneZ. Miscellaneous If volunteers can be found to carry out the projects suggested by Professor Reichenberger in time for the December MLA meetings , and if the Comediantes who have volunteered to analyze plays will carry to completion a substantial part of their work, a great deal may be accomplished even in the remainder of 1954. A Current Bibliography of Foreign Publications Dealing with the Comedia by Jack H. Parker University of Toronto Arnold G. Reichenberger Universtiy of Pennsylvania 1954—I Miscellaneous Academia burlesca en Buen Retiro a la Magestad de Philippo Quarto el Grande (MS, Madrid, 1637). Ed. José M. Blecua. 14 Valencia, Tip. Moderna, 1952. Pp. 137. [Presided over by Vélez de Guevara. Attended by Antonio de Solis, Francisco de Rojas, etc.] Aston, S. C. (ed.). The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. Vol. XIlI. 1951. Cambridge University Press, 1952. Pp. viii, 430. Vol. XII (1950) and Vol. XIII (1951) reviewed...

