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ta y uno. Madrid, 1679. M-R gives La sirena del Jordan as an alternate title for San Juan Bautista. R has no place or date of publication. Barrera calls it an auto. Medel lists La sirena del Jordan and San Juan Bautista as two different plays. The British Museum catalog agrees; it lists separately De San Juan Bautista and La gran comedia, Sirena del Jordán. But the University of North Carolina suelta is entitled La syrena del Jordan, San Juan Baptista. Cat. Générale: "San Juan Bautista. Valladolid, imprenta de A. del Riego, s.d." The Bib. Nac. [Paz y Melia, no. 3396] has a MS, "letra del s. xvii" of 47 folios. Paz y Melia calls it a comedia and its length forbids the label auto for it.) B BM H NC NY P PM. 32.Los tres soles de Madrid, ¿auto sacramental ? (M-R gives Dejar un reino por otro as an alternate title. R—cf. his p. 30—lists Dexar un reyno por otro y Martyres de Madrid—published in Murcia, "a costa de Juan López, s.a." -—as of three authors, Moreto, Sebas* tián Villaviciosa and Gerónimo de Cáncer, or of Moreto alone. But he also states that in vol. LXIV of the Palatina-Parmense there is another edition with the title Los tres soles de Madrid, and that it is there attributed to Monroy.) BM H NC NY P PM Y. 33.El valor siempre da honor. 34.Las violencias del amor y don BeIforan de Grecia. (R: "Madrid, A. Sanz, 1745. Ce n'è un duplicato, stessa edizione , nel vol. LXXXI"; the volume number is that of the Palatina-Parmense .) B BM C NY PM Y. There is one further title that is supplied by Schack, Las grandezas de Sevilla, an auto. It is not included in the list of plays above because of its doubtful nature; no other source than Schack provides it. Furthermore, Schack's source seems to have disappeared: he claims (p. 151, n.) that he saw the play "in an old book" in the Biblioteca Colombina , and that it was accompanied by almost all of Monroy's other plays. He states that it appears to have been Monroy's own copy, "según se colige de las notas manuscritas que le acompañan." I am unable to find any plays of Monroy in the Colombina 's catalog of printed books. The auto, then, may, for the present, be suspect. A. Schaeffer, in his Katalog (p. 21) has a volume with eighteen plays; one of these has two complete copies in the volume, and this contains also a play of Mogica (sic) and one of Moncin. The Monroy plays are numbers 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 34 of our list above. This concludes our brief review of Monroy and his work. Our aim has been to bring the widely-scattered facts together in one place for easy reference, to make a few additions, correct some errors and to list the location of the plays so that future students of Monroy may find them. It is evident that a thorough study of his life and work is yet to be made. Minutes Of The Comediantes Meeting Saturday, December 27, 1952 2:00-3:30 P.M. Hotel Statler, Boston The meeting was attended by the following : Anibal, J. H. Arjona, Bishop, Brooks, Bruerton, Hannah Estermann, Fox, Hilborn, Keller, Ruth Lee Kennedy, Leavitt, McCready , Oelschläger, Parker, Peyton, Reichenberger , Rozzell, Scungio, Helen L. Sears, Stevens, Wade, Wexler. Chairman Hilborn presided. In the absence of Secretary Ashcom, Reichenberger was appointed Secretary pro tern. After self-introduction of the members the Chairman read the letters of those who expressed their regret of not being able to attend (Hesse, Johnson, Wagner). The Chairman nominated the following slate of officers for 1953: Chm.: Wade; Seer.: Roz- zeli; Third member: McCurdy. They were elected unanimously. Hesse wired his willingness to serve another two-year term as Editor of the Bulletin. He was elected to this office for 1953-1954. There was no financial report. The topic for this year...

