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CAPE AND S W ORD Conducted by the Editor The next meeting of the Comediantes will be held on Thursday, December 28, 1950 at the Hotel Statler, .in Conference Room 3, from 2 to 3:30» Topic for discussion: "The Technique of Editing a Contdia." The meeting will be preceded -,by an informal luncheon at high noon at Bonat's Restaurant, 330 West 31st Street. No reservations needed, Alice Huntington Bushee, 129 Great Road, Woonsocket, R. I , has over 200 paper bound copies of her book Three Centuries of Tirso de' Jolina« the text is the same as in the original, but without plates. Price $0 cents, Charles F, Kirk, Kent State University, is doing a critical edition of Vêlez de Guevara's Virtudes vencen seflales (PH.D., Ohio State, adviser: R. Rozzell), Two theses in preparation at Tulane, adviser: V. 0elschlager; William A. Hunter, "The Náhuatl Versions of Three Golden Age Plays Attributed to Lope de Vega," (PH.D.) Marilyn E. Emmons, "A Critique and Poetic Translation of Lope's El caballero de Qlmedo," (l-i.A.). Douglas C. Sheppard is preparing a critical edition of Lope's El villano· en su rincón (PH.D., Wisconsin, adviser: E. Hesse). Cultural Cooperation: Supolement A was mimeographed at Welle sley College and B at the University of Pennsylvania. Thank you both. Visiting Professors: Ruth Lee Kennedy at Arizona; Courtney Bruerton at Brown and Angel Valbuena Prat at Wisconsin. Honors : Gerald E. Wade is currently on leave from Tennessee and is working with Claude E. Anibal of Ohio State on an edition of Tirso1 s La Santa Juana. He was granted the ¿lizabeth Clay Howald scholarship by Ohio State, Harry W. Hilborn is the hew chairman of the Spanish Department at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Best wishes. Necrology: Aubrey F. G. Bell, British Columbia, May, 1950; George U. Umphrey, University of Washington, August, 1950. Excerpts from letters received: "Why not have a session of the comediantes in the next year or two on versification and sillied matters, including orthoepy?" Gerald E. «ade, University of Tennessee. "I edited Vêlez' s El embuste acreditado y el disparate creído (unpublished PH.D. thesis, Ohio State, 19U6}· Iiy experience . was that we have evolved, all in all, a. rather well crystallized editorial technique with two models to follow: a) for editions from printed texts: Hill and Harlan's Cuatro Comedias, b) for autographs: Fichter's edition of Looe's El sembrar en buena tierra. Punctuation, as Mr, Anibal points out, is certainly the most troublesome problem. Editors seem to follow that of their native language (cf, Krenkel, Klassische Bü der Spanier).«. Rhythmical and syntactical structure require different punctuation, at least, at times, »¡hich to choose? Capitalization may be whimsical, but my impression is that capitalization in part reflects social and religious convictions, e.g. en Palacio, Niño (the Christ child, ¿1 cardenal de Belén, ed. Hamilton, 11. 2U91, 2U99J, Philosophos (ibid., 1. 2353), ,.Bautico, (ibid., 1. 22U9), Ie Reyna (ibid., 1. 2251). Cj1Pitalization could be discussed at the Comediantes meeting at Christmas. ..." Arnold G. Reichenberger, University of Pennsylvania ", . .en septiembre he tenido unos cólicos nefríticos muy agudos que me apartaron casi todo el mes de mis actividades y después los ejercicios espirituri'' . El viaje mio a Norte-América que Vd. tenia anunciado en el Bulle tin y que yo acariciaba con verdadero placer, no va a ser posible este aflo, porque ando muy atareado con la tesis doctoral y no quisiera embarcarme en otras actividades hasta concluirla. Podremos planear el aflo próximo, con más base ..." Fray Manuel Penedo i. Coe, Vielle »ley College, Of interest to our readers : THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY NE'-'S LET -EIi, published by Arthur Ii. Coon, 35 Elm Street, Penn Yan, N.Y. One dollar a year. RENAISSANCE NEWS, address Frederick W. Stemfeld, Box 832, Hanover, N.H., also one dollar a yeai # * * 4 # Toda esta vida es Jugar una carteta imperfecta, mal barajada, y sujeta a desdichas y a pesares; que es toda en cientos y azares como juego de carteta. Amor ha sido siempre inventor de máquinas y de engaños. porque...

