In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

January 2010 Marc F. Plattner and Larry Diamond, Democracies Past and Future Thomas H. Sander and Robert D. Putnam, Still Bowling Alone? The Post-9/11 Split Philippe C. Schmitter, Twenty-Five Years, Fifteen Findings Guillermo O’Donnell, Schmitter’s Retrospective: A Few Dissenting Notes Francis Fukuyama, Transitions to the Rule of Law Laurence Whitehead, The Crash of ’08 Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way, Why Democracy Needs a Level Playing Field Andreas Schedler, Authoritarianism’s Last Line of Defense Marc F. Plattner, Populism, Pluralism, and Liberal Democracy Larry Diamond, Why Are There No Arab Democracies? Twenty Years of Postcommunism Jacques Rupnik, In Search of a New Model Ivan Krastev, Deepening Dissatisfaction Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, The Other Transition Vladimir Tismaneanu, Citizenship Restored Ghia Nodia, Freedom and the State Charles H. Fairbanks, Jr., Georgia’s Soviet Legacy Lilia Shevtsova, What’s the Matter with Russia? Books in Review Bruce Gilley, Democratic Triumph, Scholarly Pessimism April 2010 Nathan Glazer, Democracy and Deep Divides Indonesia Edward Aspinall, The Irony of Success Saiful Mujani and R. William Liddle, Personalities, Parties, and Voters Charles Kurzman and Ijlal Naqvi, Do Muslims Vote Islamic? Editors Marc F. Plattner and Larry Diamond Publisher The Johns Hopkins University Press Copyright © 2010 by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Johns Hopkins University Press. Contents of Volume 21, 2010 Back issues are available for $12.00 for individuals, $41.00 for institutions. Send check payable to the Johns Hopkins University Press, Journals Division, 2715 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4363 (USA); or for Visa and Mastercard orders call toll-free: 1-800-548-1784. 5 9 17 29 33 45 57 69 81 93 105 113 120 128 136 144 152 160 5 20 35 50 Lisa Anderson, The Ex-Presidents Michael D. Wiatrowski and Jack A. Goldstone, The Ballot and the Badge: Democratic Policing Trouble in Central America J. Mark Ruhl, Honduras Unravels Anita Isaacs, Guatemala on the Brink Mitchell A. Seligson and John A. Booth, Crime, Hard Times, and Discontent The Freedom House Survey for 2009 Arch Puddington, The Erosion Accelerates Carrie Manning, Mozambique’s Slide into One-Party Rule Books in Review Thomas O. Melia, What Makes Legislatures Strong? July 2010 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, The Democratic Instinct in the 21st Century Afghanistan & Iraq Scott Worden, Afghanistan: An Election Gone Awry Adeed Dawisha, Iraq: A Vote Against Sectarianism Zalmay Khalilzad, Lessons from Afghanistan and Iraq Alfred Stepan, Juan J. Linz, and Yogendra Yadav, The Rise of “State-Nations” Larry Diamond, Liberation Technology Ukraine Henry E. Hale, The Uses of Divided Power Gwendolyn Sasse, The Role of Regionalism Juan Pablo Luna and Rodrigo Mardones, Chile: Are the Parties Over? Ephraim Yuchtman-Ya’ar and Yasmin Alkalay, Political Attitudes in the Muslim World Jacques Rupnik, In Praise of Václav Havel Mvemba Phezo Dizolele, The Mirage of Democracy in the DRC Judith Kelley, Election Observers and Their Biases Books in Review Bruce Gilley, Acts of Resistance in China October 2010 Alejandro Toledo, Latin America: Democracy with Development Democracy Support and Development Aid Thomas Carothers, The Elusive Synthesis Brian Levy, The Case for Principled Agnosticism Kenneth Wollack and K. Scott Hubli, Getting Convergence Right Ronald Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski, Liberation vs. Control: The Future of Cyberspace Richard Madsen, The Upsurge of Religion in China April Longley Alley, Yemen’s Multiple Crises Steven Radelet, Success Stories from “Emerging Africa” The Meanings of Democracy Larry Diamond, Introduction Michael Bratton, Anchoring the “D-Word” in Africa Yun-han Chu and Min-hua Huang, Solving an Asian Puzzle Tianjian Shi and Jie Lu, The Shadow of Confucianism Fares Braizat, What Arabs Think Nic Cheeseman, African Elections as Vehicles for Change Mark R. Thompson, Reformism vs. Populism in the Philippines Books in Review Marc F. Plattner, The Authoritarian Challenge 64 79 93 108 123 136 151 166 5 11 26 41 50 69 84 99 107 122 135 143 158 173 5 12 27 35 43 58 72 87 102 106 114 123 131 139 154 169 ...

