In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

551 contents for volume xlviii (2010) Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol. 48, no. 4 (2010) 551–54 [551] Contents for Volume XLVIII (2010) Current Scholarship Plato’s Republic in the Recent Debate francesco fronterotta 125 Articles Seeing Through Images: The Bottom of Plato’s Divided Line yancy hughes dominick 1 John Duns Scotus on God’s Knowledge of Sins: A Test-Case for God’s Knowledge of Contingents gloria frost 15 Having Locke’s Ideas matthew stuart 35 Spinoza’s Model of Human Nature andrew youpa 61 Acosmism or Weak Individuals? Hegel, Spinoza, and the Reality of the Finite yitzhak y. melamed 77 The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth: Robert Grosseteste on Universals (and the Posterior Analytics) christina van dyke 153 Disentangling Leibniz’s Views on Relations and Extrinsic Denominations anja jauernig 171 Time and Ambiguity: Reassessing Merleau-Ponty on Sartrean Freedom william wilkerson 207 The Ends of Weather: Teleology in Renaissance Meteorology craig martin 259 Descartes and the Augustinian Tradition of Devotional Meditation: Tracing a Minim Connection matt hettche 283 Apriority, Reason, and Induction in Hume houston smit 313 Hegel’s Account of Contradiction in the Science of Logic Reconsidered karin de boer 345 The Original Ground of Self-Awareness in Schleiermacher’s Mature Philosophy jeffrey hoover 375 Moral Transformation and the Love of Beauty in Plato’s Symposium suzanne obdrzalek 415 Hutcheson’s Deceptive Hedonism dale dorsey 445 552 journal of the history of philosophy 48:4 october 2010 Fichte and the Relationship between Self-Positing and Rights nedim nomer 469 Henry Sidgwick’s Moral Epistemology anthony skelton 491 Book Reviews Kevin Corrigan and John D. Turner, editors, Platonisms: Ancient, Modern, and Postmodern sara ahbel-rappe 93 Ronna Burger, Aristotle’s Dialogue with Socrates: On the Nicomachean Ethics laurence bloom 94 David Konstan, A Life Worthy of the Gods: The Materialist Psychology of Epicurus kelly e. arenson 95 Eric D. Perl, Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite daniel p. o’connell 96 Aaron W. Hughes, The Art of Dialogue in Jewish Philosophy t. m. rudavsky 97 Luca Bianchi, Pour une histoire de la ‘double vérité’ david piché 99 Gyula Klima, John Buridan calvin normore 100 Stanislav Sousedík, Philosophie der frühen Neuzeit in den böhmischen Ländern wolfgang grassl 101 Stuart Clark, Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture dallas g. denery ii 103 John Carriero, Between Two Worlds: A Reading of Descartes’s Meditations brandon c. look 104 Thomas M. Lennon, The Plain Truth: Descartes, Huet, and Skepticism keith fennen 106 Maria Rosa Antognazza, Leibniz: An Intellectual Biography donald rutherford 107 Mogens Lærke, Leibniz lecteur de Spinoza: La genèse d’une opposition complexe justin erik halldór smith 108 Joseph Duke Filonowicz, Fellow-Feeling and the Moral Life mark g. spencer 110 Daniel Garber and Beatrice Longuenesse, editors, Kant and the Early Moderns kevin j. harrelson 111 Robert B. Pippin, Hegel’s Practical Philosophy: Rational Agency as Ethical Life liz disley 112 553 contents for volume xlviii (2010) Paul Redding, Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought rebecca kukla 113 Brian McGuinness, editor, Wittgenstein in Cambridge: Letters and Documents, 1911–1951 newton garver 115 Edward Skidelsky, Ernst Cassirer: The Last Philosopher of Culture sebastian luft 116 Jeremy D. Popkin, editor, The Legacies of Richard Popkin donald phillip verene 117 Francis A. Grabowski III, Plato, Metaphysics and the Forms daniel b. gallagher 235 Aristotle, Prior Analytics, Book I phil corkum 236 Edward C. Halper, One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics: Books Alpha-Delta anthony k. jensen 237 Pauliina Remes, Plotinus on Self: The Philosophy of the ‘We’ suzanne stern-gillet 238 James A. Diamond, Converts, Heretics, and Lepers: Maimonides and the Outsider michael fagenblat 240 Gianni Paganini, Skepsis. Le débat des modernes sur le scepticisme. Montaigne, Le Vayer, Campanella, Hobbes, Descartes, Bayle jean-robert armogathe 241 Kevin J. Harrelson, The Ontological Argument from Descartes to Hegel graham oppy 243 J. J. MacIntosh, editor, The Excellencies of Robert Boyle andrew pyle 245 Michael Futch, Leibniz’s Metaphysics of Time and Space emily grosholz 246 Annette C. Baier, Death & Character: Further Reflections on Hume mark collier 247 Angelica Nuzzo, Ideal Embodiment...

