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  • Books Received / Livres reçus

This list acknowledges receipt of recent works bearing on the scientific study of language. Although reviews are solicited regularly, we do not guarantee that all books received will be reviewed. Individuals interested in submitting a review should make prior arrangements to that effect with the book review editor. Electronic copies of reviews are sent to the publishers of the works in question. Receipt of individual books cannot be acknowledged nor can books be returned to the publisher.

La liste qui suit recense les ouvrages récemment reçus relatifs à l'étude scientifique du langage. Quoique nous sollicitions régulièrement des comptes rendus, nous ne pouvons garantir que tous les livres reçus en feront l'objet. Toute personne désireuse de soumettre un compte rendu est priée d'obtenir l'accord préalable du rédacteur des comptes rendus. Les éditeurs des ouvrages recensés recevront une copie électronique des comptes rendus. Nous ne pouvons faire parvenir aucun accusé de réception ni retourner de livres aux éditeurs.

Aboh, O. Enoch, Elisabeth van der Linden, Josep Quer, and Petra Sleeman, eds. 2009. Romance languages and linguistic theory: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Amsterdam 2007. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. xii + 288. US $165.00 (hardcover).
Babby, H. Leonard. 2009. The syntax of argument structure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xviii + 307. US $108.00 (hardcover).
Bangalore, Srinivas, and Aravind K. Joshi, eds. 2010. Supertagging: Using complex lexical descriptions in natural language processing. Cambridge, MA/London: MIT Press. Pp. xx + 488. US $50.00 (hardcover).
Bargiela-Chiappini, Francesca, and Michael Haugh, eds. 2009. Face, communication and social interaction. London: Equinox. Pp. xii + 331. US $80.00 (hardcover).
Bartminski, Jerzy. 2009. Aspects of cognitive ethnolinguistics. London: Equinox. Pp. ix + 250. US $120 (hardcover).
Braun, Maria. 2009. Word-formation and creolisation: The case of early Sranan. In the series Linguistische Arbeiten 517. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag. Pp. vii + 309. US $157.00 (softcover).
Bubenik, Vit, John Hewson, and Sarah Rose, eds. 2009. Grammatical change in Indo-European languages: Papers presented at the workshop on Indo-European linguistics at the XVIIIth international conference on historical linguistics, Montreal, 2007. In the series Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 305. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. xx + 262. US $158.00 (hardcover).
Cann, Ronnie, Ruth Kempson, and Eleni Gregoromichelaki. 2009. Semantics: An introduction to meaning in language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xiii + 292. US $45.00 (softcover). [End Page 267]
Clarke, Sandra. 2010. Newfoundland and Labrador English. Edinburgh University Press. Pp. x + 212. US $35.00 (softcover).
Clyne, Michael, Catrin Norrby, and Jane Warren. 2009. Language and human relations: Styles of address in contemporary language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xi + 183. US $99.00 (hardcover).
Corrigan, Roberta, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali, and Kathleen M. Wheatley, eds. 2009. Formulaic language, Vol. 1: Distribution and historical change. In the series Typological Studies in Language 82. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. xxiv + 295. US $158.00 (hardcover).
Corrigan, Roberta, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali, and Kathleen M. Wheatley, eds. 2009. Formulaic language, Vol. 2: Acquisition, loss, psychological realty, and functional explanations. In the series Typological Studies in Language 83. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. xxiv + 638. US $158.00 (hardcover).
Cotter, Colleen. 2010. News talk: Investigating the language of journalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xiii + 280. US $32.99 (softcover).
Cummings, Louise. 2009. Clinical pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. x + 305. US $115.00 (hardcover).
Day, William, and Victor J. Krebs, eds. 2010. Seeing Wittgenstein anew. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xvi + 393. US $27.99 (softcover).
Denham, Kristin, and Anne Lobeck, eds. 2010. Linguistics at school: Language awareness in primary and secondary education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xv + 311. US $99.00 (hardcover).
Dorais, Louis-Jacques. 2010. The language of the Inuit: Syntax, semantics, and society in the Arctic. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press. Pp. xii + 396. US $45.00 (hardcover).
Dufter, Andreas, and Daniel Jacob, eds. 2009. Focus and background in Romance languages. In the series Studies in Language Companion 112. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. 362. US $149.00 (hardcover).
Edwards, John. 2009. Language and identity: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press...

