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continuous and fervent support of the Comediantes and the BCom, and to honor him by placing in the BCom the phrase: "Founded by Everett W. Hesse." The honoring phrase is to appear permanently in addition to the identifying material on the inside cover of the BCom below its title. The entire attendance at the meeting unanimously approved the motion by acclamation. Finally, Professor Ebersole urged those attending the luncheon to submit papers to the new chairman for the Spanish 3 meeting in Chicago for 1973. Prior to the Spanish 3: Comedia meeting of the MLA, the Executive Committee met and designated Professor Vern G. WUHamsen as the chairman of the Bibliography and Research Committee, and the B&R Com. was charged with the task of identifying and carrying through its next project. The Spanish 3 session was held at 3:00 p.m. in the Gramercy A Room of the New York Hilton. The meeting was chaired by A. V. Ebersole, with John Lihani as secretary. Of those attending the session, one hundred twenty-two signed the attendance sheets. The overall attendance was estimated at 180. During the initial business session, in accordance with the MLA administrative convention missives urging sections to democratize themselves and their committees, the chairman announced that the committees of Spanish 3 had agreed to establish a new rotating sequence for the B&R Committee membership . The rotating membership of the B&R Com. will be instituted in 1974. Respectfully submitted, JOHN LIHANI Secretary EL MENTIDERO DE COMEDIANTES Call for papers: John Lihani, chairman of Spanish 3, MLA, wiU consider 15-20 minute contributions for the annual meeting in Chicago. AH papers wiU receive due consideration, but those deaHng with the sixteenth-century drama are especially encouraged. * * * * The comedia seminar at New York this last December proved again that we always have much to say to one another. We have asked that the program be renewed this year under the leadership of Vern WilHamsen. The topic is to be "The Comedia as Poetic Drama." Members wishing to participate should write well in advance to Professor WilHamsen, who wiïl grant requests for admission up to the limit of accommodations (35). He will send materials prepared by a panel of discussants , which will form the basis of the seminar, to aU participants shortly after October 1. * # * * The University of Kentucky Foreign Language Conference features a section on the drama of the Golden Age, in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Comediantes. As we go to press, the session, scheduled for Friday, 27 April, is to be chaired by Everett W. Hesse, with papers to be presented by Frank P. Casa, David H. Darst, Roberto González Echevarría, Raymond R. MacCurdy, Arnold G. Reichenberger, and Harlan G. Sturm. $ e * » On April 12-14 a "Symposium on Golden Age Drama: Tragedy and Comedy" was to be held at the University of North Carolina. Scheduled to participate were: Hannah Bergman, Alva V. Ebersole (who organized the 31 conference), Robert ter Horst, Alexan-PubHcaciones del Instituto Caro y der A. Parker, Jack H. Parker, ArnoldCuervo, Apartado Aéreo 20002, BogoG . Reichenberger, and Bruce W. Ward-tá, Colombia; 2) Lucas Fernández. 179 ropper.pages. 1973. Twayne Publishers, 31 * * * * Union Square West, New York City The following volumes on the early10003; and Lucas Fernández' Farsas y Spanish theater are now available froméglogas. 235 pages. 1969. Las Americas the respective pubHshers: 1) El len-Publishing Co., 40-22 23rd St., Long guaje de Lucas Fernández: estudio delIsland City, New York 11101. AU are dialecto sayagués. 654 pages. John Lihani. I I -;- NOW AVAILABLE -:- \ STUDIES AND WORKS ON THE EARLY J SPANISH THEATER \ J 1) El lenguaje de Lucas Fernández: estudio del dialecto sayagués. $ Primera parte—estudio Hngüístico. Segunda parte—Glosario etimológi- { co y documentado de las Farsas y églogas, por John Lihani, 654 págs., (1973). $10.00 U.S. \ Publicaciones del Instituto Caro y Cuervo I Apartado Aéreo 20002 i Bogotá, Colombia I ( 2) Lucas Fernández, by John Lihani, 179 pp. (1973), $5.95. ! Twayne Publishers T 31 Union Square West I New York, N.Y. 10003 I ! 3) Lucas Fernández, Farsas...

