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Bulletin Of The Comediantes Vol. XXIII Fall, 1971 No. 2 INDEX TO VOLUMES I -XXII (1949-1970) The first two volumes of the BCom consisted of a few mimeographed pages of short notes and news. The semiannual bibliography was issued as supplements , as was Ada M. Coe's article "Unas colecciones de comedias sueltas de Pedro Calderón de la Barca comparadas con Die Calderon-Literatur . . . de H. Breymann," later printed in Estudios , VII (1951), 111-169. To save space, announcements of meetings (fall) and minutes (spring), the bibliography , and the editors' column (Cape and Sword, etc.), which appear in almost every number, are omitted. The abbreviations S (spring) and F (fall) followed by year are used for easy reference. S and F49. I, 1 and 2. Contain notes of proceedings, roster of members, a note on rhyme endings in Tirso as presented in an M.A. thesis; no titled articles. 550.?, 1. Sears, H. L.: The Concepts of Fortune and Fate in the Comedia of Lope de Vega, 1-3. Oppenheimer, M. Jr.: A Note on Calder ón's El astròlogo fingido, 3-4. F50. ?, 2. Stafford, L. L.: Random Notes on the Technique of Editing a Comedia, 1-4. Valbuena Prat, A.: The Baroque in Calderón, 5-6. 551.??, 1. Bruerton, C: Thornton Wilder and Lope's Peregrino Lists, [p. I]. Rozzell, R.: Good Fortune and Tragedy with the Comediantes, [1-3]. F51. ??, 2. Penedo Rey, M.: Investigaciones tirsistas en Guadalajara, [I]. Hilborn, H. W.; The Calderonian gracioso and Marriage, [2-3]. 552.IV, 1. Roaten, D.: Wölfflin's Principles Applied to Lope's Fuenteovejuna, [1-4]. Wilson, E. M.: Gerald Brenans Calder ón, [6-8]. McCready, W. T.: A Note on Matos' El ingrato agradecido, [12]. F52. IV, 2. Hilborn, H. W.: Milton Alexander Buchanan (1878-1952), [1-2]. Tyler, R. W.: Further Suggestions for Lope de Vega Chronology, [2-3]. Reichenberger, A. G.: A Bibliographical Note, [9-10]. Lovett, G. H.: The Churchman in the Spanish Drama Before Lope de Vega, [10-13]. 553.V, 1. Hoppe, H. R.: Spanish Actors at the Court in Brussels 1614-1618, including Francisco López, Autor, 1-3. Wade, G. E.: Cristóbal de Monroy y Silva, 3-9. ------?: Explicando un pretendido error en el "Cigarral primero" de Tirso de Molina, 15-16. F53. V, 2. Keller, J. E.: A Tentative Classification for Themes in the Comedia, 17-23. ------?: The Madrid Theatre Season, 24-26. Bruerton, C: More on Lopean Chronology , 30-31. Poesse, W.: Suggestions for Editing a 31 Comedia: Diéresis and Ligature, 3132 . Wade, G. E.: More on Monroy, 32. 554.VL 1. MacCurdy, R. R.: A Note on Rojas Zorrilla's Gracioso Guardainfante, 14 . McCready, W. T.: A Volume of Rare Sueltas, 4-8. Reichenberger, A. G.: About Themes, Motifs, and an Index, 9-11. Keller, J. E.: Present Status of Motif Classification, 12-14. F54. VL 2. Leavitt, S.: A Maligned Character in Lope's El mejor alcalde el rey, 1-3. Qualia, C.B.: A Note on the Popularity of Boissy's La Vie est un songe, 3-4. Sedwick, F. B.: On the Meaning of Catalinón, 4-6. 555.VU, 1. Adams, C. L.: The Problem of the Motif-Index with Special Reference to Lope de Vega, 1-3. Wade, G. E.: The Anonymous La reina penitente, 3-8. Sánchez Escribano, F.: El Burlador de Sevilla, Hombre sin Nombre, 9. F55. VII, 2. Sloman, A. E.: Lope's El mejor alcalde el rey: Addenda to a Note by Sturgis Leavitt, 17-19. Pérez, L. G: Observations by Ezra Pound on the Dramatic Quality of Lope de Vega, 19-21. Rozzell, R.: Necrology: Claude E. Anibai , 21-22. Wardropper, B. W.: Early Editions of Lope Works Sold, 22. Fucilla, J. G. : Finea in Lope's La dama boba in the Light of Modern Psycology , 22-23. Leavitt, S. E.: The Gracioso Takes the Audience into his Confidence, 27-29. Wilson, W. E.: Bigoteras and the Date of Lope's El cuerdo en su casa, 29-31. 556.Vin, 1. Whitby, W. M.: Calderón's El príncipe constante: Fenix's Role in the Ransom of Fernando...

