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Nagy, Rutgers Univ. (Nominations to be voted on.) Representatives to the Executive Committee of the new division for Spanish Literature of the 16th and 17th Centuries: A. Julián Valbuena Briones and Edward Nagy. ^Wi «7^V EL MENTIDERO DE COMEDIANTES The 1975 Comediantes' luncheon is scheduled for 12 noon, December 28th, at the Magic Pan Restaurant, 341 Sutter Street, one-half block from the Hyatt. If you wish to attend and have not yet made a reservation, please contact Professor A. Julián Valbuena by December 15. The following articles are scheduled for the spring 1976 number: "Gutierre's Personality in El médico de su honra" by Everett W. Hesse; "The Sacred and Profane in Tirso's La vida y muerte de Hemdes" by A. K. Stell; "Tirso de MoUna , the Arias Dávila Family, and Other Curiosities" by Henry W. Sullivan; "Autobiographical Elements in Lope de Vega's La niñez del Padre Roxas" by D. L. Bastianutti; "Verbal Subtlety in Castro's El amor constante" by Georgia Pappanastos; "Calderón, Nietzsche, and the Dionysian Concept" by Judith Irene Knorst; and "Principal and Secondary Plots in El esclavo del demonio" by Judith Rauchwarger. Comediantes who are members of the MLA owe a special debt of gratitude to Professor Charlotte Stern, who has, singlehandedly more often than not, challenged the powers that be who decided that Spanish 3 was not to receive Division status. The struggle continues. The Journal of Hispanic Philology, a new scholarly journal dedicated to the languages and literatures of the Iberian Peninsula through 1700, is to begin publication in 1976. The journal will be edited by Daniel Eisenberg (Florida State), with Victor Oelschläger (Prof. Emeritus, Florida State) serving as Honorary Editor. The editorial board is to consist of Juan Bautista Avalle- Arce (North Carolina, Chapel Hill), David H. Darst (Florida State), Alan Deyermond (Westfield College, London), Edward C. Riley (Edinburgh), Harvey L. Sharrer (California, Santa Barbara), Joseph Snow (Georgia), R. Brian Tate (Nottingham); Keith Whinnom (Exeter ), and Harry Williams (Florida State). The journal will pubhsh three numbers per volume and will be printed by Artes Gráficas Soler. Articles are welcome and should be sent to the Editor, Department of Modern Languages, Florida State University , Tallahassee, Florida 32306. Authors who would like their books considered for review and potential reviewers should direct themselves to the Book Review Editor, David Darst. Individual subscriptions in advance of the first number may be made at the special rate of $10.00 (afterwards $12.00). Library and institutional subscriptions are $25.00 per volume. Make checks payable to the Journal of Hispanic Philology. 4*è%* 147 ...

