
The title of this paper deliberately establishes a dialogic relationship with Paul Julian Smith's work Writing in the Margin; at the same time, it suggests the possibility of the "re"-writing of dominant discourse in marginalized works. The concept of marginality holds significant implications for the consideration of literature beyond those directly addressed in Smith's work. In this discussion, I will use Ana Caro's comedia, Valor, agravio y mujer, to question assumptions underlying Smith's provocative treatise. His interpretive strategy, informed by post-structuralist theory, does not sufficiently allow for the challenge to both social and artistic norms posed by the self-conscious, metatheatrical elements of Golden Age theatre. The constant play with gender roles and the honor code in Caro's texts represents a rewriting of societal standards; moreover, her consistent manipulation of generic conventions critically engages "canonical" comedias. I will argue that in order to explore "writing in the margin" we must carefully consider works that have been marginalized; otherwise, we as critics may falsely claim to appropriate the place of "the Others," thereby propagating exclusionary practices that merely re-center rather than de-center discourse.

