In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

411 THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1984 The Hume Literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; £9.50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. Publications of the years 1977 to 1983 were listed in previous issues of Hume Studies. What follows here will bring the record up to the end of 1984. Readers are invited to inform me of any omissions, and keenly requested to send me offprints of their own articles and reviews. The intention is to maintain a complete bibliographical record of critical work on Hume, by the regular publication in Hume Studies of this annual bibliography, with addenda consisting of items omitted through ignorance in previous years. References to recently-appearing reviews (of books from earlier lists) are given at the end. The following abbreviations of journal titles are used here: APQ American Philosophical Quarterly HPQ History of Philosophy Quarterly JHI Journal of the History of Ideas JHP Journal of the History of Philosophy JP Journal of Philosophy PAS Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society PB Philosophical Books PQ Philosophical Quarterly PR Philosophical Review RIP Revue Internationale de Philosophie RM Review of Metaphysics TLS Times Literary Supplement Other abbreviations should be obvious enough, and mainly follow the British Standard (no. 4148). 412 ARDAL, P.S. "Hume and Reid on Promise, Intention and Obligation", in V. Hope, Philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment, 47-69. Edinburgh. AYERS, M. R. "Berkeley and Hume: A Question of Influence", in R. Rorty et al. , Philosophy in History, 303-27. Cambridge. BRACKEN, H. M. "Hume on the 'Distinction of Reason", Hume Studies 10, 89-108. BRICKE, J. "Hume's Volitions", in V. Hope, Philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment, 70-90. Edinburgh. BURKE, M. B. "Hume and Edwards on 'Why is there something rather than nothing?'", Australas. J. Phil. 62, 355-62. CARROLL, N. "Hume's Standard of Taste", J. Aesth. & Art Crit. 43, 181-94. CASTAÑEDA, H. -N. "Causes, Causity, and Energy", Midwest Studies in Phil. 9, 17-27. CHRZAN, K. "Vindicating the 'Principle of Relative Likelihood'", Int. J. Phil. Relig. 16, 13-18. (on Hambourger 1980) COLEMAN, D. P. "Hume's 'Dialectic'", Hume Studies 10, 139-55. COSTA, M.J. "Why be Just? Hume's Response in the Inquiry", Sth. J. Phil. 22, 469-79. DAVIE, W. "Hume on Perceptions and Persons", Hume Studies 10, 125-38. DE MARTELAERE, P. "Gilles Deleuze, interprète de Hume", Revue phil. de Louvain 82, 224-47. DONNICI, R. "Hume e Husserl", G. crit. Fil, ital. 63, 139-42. FANG, W. -C "Hume on Identity", Hume Studies 10, 59-68. FLAGE, D.E. & GLASS, R.J. "Hume on the Cartesian Theory of Substance", Sth. J. Phil. 22, 497508 . FLEW, A. "Paul Russell on Hume's 'Reconciling Project'", Mind 93, 587-8. [94 (1985) 587-90] 413 FOGELIN, R.J. "Hume and the Missing Shade of Blue", Phil. & phenomenol. Res. 45, 263-72. FORCE, J. E. "Hume and the Relation of Science to Religion among Certain Members of the Royal Society", JH_I 45, 517-36. GLOSSOP, R.J. "Hume and the Future of the Society of Nations", Hume Studies 10, 46-58. HALL, R. "The Hume Literature for 1982", Hume Studies 10, 167-73. IMMERWAHR, J. "David Hume on Incompatible Religious Beliefs", Int. Stud. Phil. 16, 25-33. JACOBSON, A.J. "Does Hume Hold a Regularity Theory of Causality?", HPQ 1, 75-91. (esp. on Robinson 1962) JENKINS, J.J. "Hume's Account of Sympathy - Some Difficulties", Philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment, 91-104. Edinburgh. JOHNSON, D.M. "Hume's Missing Shade of Blue, Interpreted as Involving Habitual Spectra", Hume Studies 10, 109-24. KLEVER, W. N. A. "De wiskundige Rede", Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 46, 611-42 (sec. 4 is on Hume). LECALDANO, E. "Hume e Home sulla 'libertà e necessità': una polemica nell' Illuminismo scozzese", Studi settecenteschi 3-4, 219-66. LEVINE, M. P. "Hume's Analysis of Causation in Relation to His Analysis of Miracles", HPQ 1, 195-202. LINARES, F. Das politische Denken von David Hume. (125 pp.) Hildesheim, etc. LIVINGSTON, D.W. Hume's Philosophy of Common Life. Chicago. [TLS (30 Aug. 1985) 942] LUTHE, R...

