In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY FICTION VOLUME 22 (2009–10) INDEX ARTICLES Emily R. Anderson, “‘I Will Unfold A Tale—!’: Narrative, Epistemology, and Caleb Williams” 99 Quentin Bailey, “‘Extraordinary and dangerous powers’: Prisons, Police, and Literature in Godwin’s Caleb Williams” 525 Jeanne Britton, “Translating Sympathy by the Letter: Henry Mackenzie, Sophie de Condorcet, and Adam Smith” 71 James Cruise, “Out of Egypt and into England: Secrecy and State in Samuel Pratt’s Family Secrets” 327 Joan DeJean, “(Love) Letters: Madeleine de Scudéry and the Epistolary Impulse” 399 Olivier Delers, “‘Mais ou est le cul?’ Life and Form in Sade’s Les Infortunes de la vertu and La Nouvelle Justine” 657 Coby Dowdell, “‘A Living Law to Himself and Others’: Daniel Defoe, Algernon Sidney, and the Politics of Self-Interest in Robinson Crusoe and Farther Adventures” 415 Emily C. Friedman, “Remarks on Richardson: Sarah Fielding and the Rational Reader” 309 Sharon Harrow, “Having Text: Desire and Language in Haywood’s Love in Excess and The Distressed Orphan” 279 Alex Eric Hernandez, “Tragedy and the Economics of Providence in Richardson’s Clarissa” 599 Kristin Jensen, “Reforming Character: William Law and the English Theophrastan Tradition” 443 James Kim, “Mourning, Melancholia, and Modernity: Sentimental Irony and Downward Mobility in David Simple” 477 Martha J. Koehler, “Redemptive Spaces: Magdalen House and Prostitution in the Novels and Letters of Richardson” 249 Jessica L. Leiman, “‘Booby’s Fruitless Operations’: The Crisis of Male Authority in Richardson’s Pamela” 223 Karen Lipsedge, “‘I was also absent at my dairy-house’: The Representation and Symbolic Function of the Dairy House in Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa” 29 Chad Loewen-Schmidt, “Pity, or the Providence of the Body in Richardson’s Clarissa” 1 Julie Murray, “Histories of Female Progress in Memoirs of Modern Philosophers” 673 Scott Nowka, “Talking Coins and Thinking Smoke-Jacks: Satirizing Materialism in Gildon and Sterne” 195 Katherine O’Donnell, “Castle Stopgap: Historical Reality, Literary Realism, and Oral Culture” 115 Julia Anne Osman, “A Tale of Two Tactics: Laclos’s Novel Approach to Military Crisis and Reform” 503 Rachel Ramsey, “The Literary History of the Sash Window” 171 Robbie Richardson, “Consuming Indians: Tsonnonthouan, Colonialism, and the Commodification of Culture” 693 Eve Tavor Bannet, “Sarah Scott and America: Sir George Ellison, The Man of Real Sensibility, and the Squire of Horton” 631 Kathryn Temple, “Manley’s “Feigned Scene”: The Fictions of Law at Westminster Hall 573 James Watt, “‘The blessings of freedom’: Britain, America, and ‘the East’ in the Fiction of Robert Bage” 49 Megan Woodworth, “‘If a man dared act for himself ’: Family Romance and Independence in Frances Burney’s Cecilia” 355 REVIEWS/COMPTES RENDUS Pamela J. Albert, Transatlantic Engagements with the British Eighteenth Century (Beth Kowaleski Wallace) 136 Christelle Bahier-Porte et Régine Jomand-Baudry, éds., Écrire en mineur au xviii e siècle (Luc Fraisse) 562 Thierry Belleguic, Éric Van der Schueren, Sabrina Vervacke, éds., Les Discours de la sympathie: Enquête sur une notion de l’âge classique à la modernité (Mitia Rioux-Beaulne) 142 Susan Bernstein, Housing Problems: Writing and Architecture in Goethe, Walpole, Freud and Heidegger (Charles Rice) 722 Charles Brockden Brown, Weiland; or, The Transformation, An American Tale, With Related Texts, ed. Philip Barnard and Stephen Shapiro (Mark Sullivan) 741 Antoine Le Camus, Abdeker, ou l’art de conserver la beauté, éd. Alexandre Wenger (Stéphanie Massé) 164 Lorna J. Clark, ed., A Celebration of Frances Burney (Virginia H. Cope) 154 E.J. Clery, The Feminization Debate in Eighteenth-Century England: Literature, Commerce and Luxury (Kathryn Shevelow) 166 Malcolm Cook, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: A Life of Culture (Youmna Charara) 735 Brian Corman, Women Novelists before Jane Austen: The Critics and Their Canons (Margaret J.M. Ezell) 731 Nicholas Cronk, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Voltaire (Édouard Langille) 567 Svein-Erik Fauskevag, Philosophie de l’amitié: Essai sur le « Traité de l’amitié » de Madame de Lambert et « La Nouvelle Héloïse » de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Sanda Badescu) 150 Féeries: Études sur le conte merveilleux, xviie –xixe siècle 4, Le Conte, la scène, ed. Jean-François Perrin (Christine A. Jones) 157 Féeries: Études sur le conte merveilleux xviie –xixe siécle 5, Le Rire des conteurs, ed...

