In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Book Reviews

Population, French Edition (Population-F) publishes a selection of book reviews under the supervision of Kamel Kateb, which is not as yet translated into English. Issue no. 4, 2009 includes a thematic selection of reviews on "From the Russian Empire to contemporary Russia: change and continuity" coordinated by Tatiana EREMENKO, Institut national d'études démographiques and Institut d'études démographiques, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV.

"From the Russian Empire to contemporary Russia: change and continuity"

Vladimir BORISOV, Demograficheskaia dezorganizatsiia Rossii: 1897-2007. Izbrannye demograficheskie trudy [Demographic disorganization in Russia: 1897-2007. A selection of demographic studies], Moscow, Nota Bene, 2007, 752 p. Reviewed by Alexandre AVDEEV
Anatoly VISHNEVSKY (ed.), Demograficheskaia modernizatsiia Rossii: 1900-2000 [The demographic modernization of Russia: 1900-2000], Moscow, Novoe Izdatel'stvo, 2006, 602 p. Reviewed by Maria AVDEEVA
Juliette CADIOT, Le laboratoire impérial. Russie-URSS : 1870-1940, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2007, 266 p. Reviewed by Kamel KATEB
Catherine GOUSSEFF-KLEIN, L'exil russe : la fabrique du réfugié apatride (1920-1939), CNRS Éditions, 2008, 335 p. Reviewed by Kamel KATEB
Martine MESPOULET, Construire le socialisme par les chiffres : enquêtes en URSS de 1917 à 1991, Paris, INED, Études et enquêtes historiques, 2008, 235 p. Reviewed by Matthieu SOLIGNAC
Vsesoiuznaia perepis' naseleniia 1937 goda. Obshchie itogi. Sbornik dokumentov i materialov [The general population census of 1937: results. Collection of documents and articles], Moscow, Rosspen, 2007, 320 p. Reviewed by Tatiana EREMENKO
Valerii STEPANOV and Valerii TISHKOV, Etnokul'turnyi oblik Rossii: perepis' 2002 goda [The ethnocultural image of Russia: the census of 2002], Moscow, Nauka, 2007, 516 p. Reviewed by Elena FILIPPOVA
Shokhrat KADYROV, Tainy turkmenskoi demografii [The mysteries of Turkmen demography], Moscow, Ifecas, 2009, 328 p. Reviewed by Alexandre AVDEEV [End Page 729]

General presentation of three books published by the Centre de recherche sur les politiques sociales et les études de genre Cécile LEFÈVRE

1. Pavel ROMANOV, Elena IARSKAIA-SMIRNOVA (eds.), Sovetskaia sotsial'naia politika 1920 kh - 1930-kh godov. Ideologiia i povsednevnost' [Soviet social policy, 1920-1930. Ideology and daily life], Moscow, Variant, CSPGS, 2007, 432 p. Reviewed by Cécile LEFÈVRE
2. Elena IARSKAIA-SMIRNOVA, Pavel ROMANOV, Natalia LEBINA (eds.), Sovetskaia sotsial'naia politika. Stseny i deŏistvuiushchie litsa. 1940-1985 [Soviet social policy. Contexts and actors, 1940-1985], Moscow, Variant, CSPGS, 2008, 376 p. Reviewed by Cécile LEFÈVRE
3. Pavel ROMANOV, Elena IARSKAIA-SMIRNOVA (dir.) Sotsial'naia politika v sobremennoŏi Rossii. Reformy i povsednevnost' [Social policy in Russia today. Reforms and daily life], Moscow, Variant, CSPGS, 2008, 453 p. Reviewed by Lidia PROKOFIEVA
Lilia OVCHAROVA and Lidia PROKOFIEVA (eds.), Sem'ia i deti v Rossii: osobennosti sovremennoŏi zhizni i vzgliad v budushchee [Families and children in Russia: current situation and future prospects], Moscow, ISESP RAS, 2009, 274 p. Reviewed by Tatiana EREMENKO [End Page 730]

