In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • In Memoriam

West Virginia History editorial board member C. Stuart McGehee died Tuesday, January 12, 2010. Born February 10, 1954, in Birmingham, Alabama, at the time of his death, Dr. McGehee was professor of history at West Virginia State University, and archivist of the Eastern Regional Coal Archives, Craft Memorial Library in Bluefield, which he established.

Educated at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga and the University of Virginia, where he earned his masters and doctorate in American History, Dr. McGehee was reviewing manuscripts for the journal until shortly before his passing. He was active in the community and in his profession, earning awards of "Professor of the Year" at Bluefield College in 1994, "Citizen of the Year" in Bluefield in 1989, and Delta Kappa Pi "Professor of the Year" at West Virginia State University in 1999. He served on numerous non-profit and charitable boards, as well as chair of the West Virginia Archives and History Commission for five years.

Dr. McGehee wrote five books and more than fifty articles, essays for such publications as West Virginia History, Civil War History, the Journal of Southern History, Goldenseal, and other regional and national publications. He appeared in the West Virginia Humanities Council's West Virginia: A Film History, as well as numerous PBS documentaries. We will miss his unique perspective on state and regional history. [End Page 58]


