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CONTRIBUTORS Joanne Trautmann Banks, Professor of Humanities and English at the Pennsylvania State University Colleges of Medicine and Liberal Arts, has authored the annotated bibliography Literature and Medicine, edited Healing Arts in Dialogue , and co-edited The Leñas of Virginia Woolf. Ronald A. Carson, Kempner Professor and Director of the Institute for the Medical Humanities of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, is the author of numerous essays and commentaries on topics in the medical humanities. Christopher Clausen, Professor of English at Pennsylvania State University, has written on the Sherlock Holmes stories as well as on English literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Robert Coles, a child psychiatrist who teaches at Harvard University, is the author of the five-volume Children of Crisis series as well as books on Walker Percy, Flannery O'Connor, and William Carlos Williams. Lillian Feder is Distinguished Professor of English at Queens CoUege and of English and Comparative Literature at the Graduate School, City University of New York. Her most recent book is Madness in Literature. Peter W. Graham is Associate Professor of English at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. His essays on literature and medicine have appeared in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Studies in Science and Culture, and Liberal Education. Nora Crow Jaffe, Associate Professor of English at Smith CoUege, is a specialist in eighteenth-century literature and in psychoanalysis and literature. She is author of The Poet Swift, co-editor of The Evil Image, and author of articles on Swift and on Freud. Anne Hudson Jones is Associate Professor of Literature and Medicine at the Institute for the Medical Humanities of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Her essays on Uterature and medicine have appeared in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Theoretical Medicine, and the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. Andrew J. Kappel is Associate Professor of EngUsh at Hofsrra University and editor of The Pound/Carter Correspondence. David Lavery is Assistant Professor of English at Northern Kentucky University . His book on Loren Eiseley is forthcoming from the University of Alabama Press. William B. Ober is Director Emeritus of the Department of Pathology at Hackensack Medical Center and Professor of Pathology at New Jersey Medical CoUege. He is the author of Boswell's Clap and Other Essays: Medical Analyses of Literary Men's Afflictions. Contributors 171 Ronald William Pies is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Tufts University. He has written extensively on schizophrenia and the creative process and is the author of Inside Psychotherapy: The Patient's Handbook and Lean Soil, a forthcoming book of poetry. Elizabeth Sewell is a poet, noveüst, critic, and, for part of each year, University Professor of Humanities at Mercer University. Thomas Szasz is Professor of Psychiatry at the State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center, in Syracuse. He is the author of eighteen books, among them The Myth of Mental Illness. Daniel L. Zins teaches writing, American Uterarure, and American Studies at the Atlanta CoUege of Art. His essays and reviews have appeared in College English, The Hollins Critic, Denver Quarterly, and other journals. ...

