In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Arnstein, Walter L. The Bradlaugh Case: Athei sm, Sex, and Pol i t i c s Among the Late Victorians. Columbia, MO: Univ. of Missouri Presss, 1983. Cloth $30.00 Paper $13.50 Ashton, Rosemary. George Eliot [Past Masters Series]. Oxford: Oxford Oniv. Press, 1983. Paper $12.95 Cheng, Vincent John. Shakespeare and Joyce: _A Study of "Finnegans Wake." University Park, PA: Penn State Uni v. PTess, 19 84. $2"U.UU Holub, Robert C. Reception Theory: A_ Critical Introduction. New York: Methuen, 1984. Cloth $18.95 Paper $8.95 Huysmans, J.-K. The V ata rd Si ste r s. Trans. James C. Babcock. Lexington, KY: Oniv. of Kentucky Press, 1983. $17.00 Long, Michael. Marvel 1 , Nabokov : Childhood and Arcadia. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984. $37.50 Mann, Karen B. The Language That Makes George El iot's Fi cti on. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1984. $22~ΠΓ5 Norris, Christopher. 1 h £ Dec on s t r u c t i ν e Turn : Essays i η the Rhetori c of Phil osp~hy. New York: Methuen , 1984. $8.95 Partridge, Colin. Minor American Fiction 192U-1940: A_ Survey and an Introducti on. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: HumanitTTs PTêss, 1984. Paper $11.76 Philmus, Robert M. Into the Unknown: The Evolution o f Science Fiction From F r a η c i s Bacon t o E-L Õ L· Wells. 2nd ed. Ber kel ey . C A : Univ. of California Press, 1983. Paper $6.95· Sinfield, Alan, ed. The C ο η t e x_t o_f English Literature: S o ce i ty and Li t e ra t u r e 1945-197U. New York:" Holmes & Refer"; 198TTT-Cl oth $24.517 Paper $12.50 Scruton, Roger. IJLiI AHI-ILiLLLC- Understand! ng. New York: Methuen, 1983. Paper $16.50 Smith, Peter. Publi c and Private Value: Studies i η t he 19th Cen t u ry Novel . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. T5TTs s, 1984. $28.00 340 ...

