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ANNOUNCING THE INAUGURATION OF The Jomes Joyce Literary Supplement To be published every May ond November First issue -May 19Ö7 In conjunction with the new Concentration ¡η Jomes Joyce Studies or the University of Miami Department of English Graduate Program EDITOR Bernard Bensrock EDITORIAL BOARD Zack Bowen, Short Benstock, Patrick A. McCarthy EDITORIAL POUCY To review every book on James Joyce within six months of publication. Subscriptions (yearly): $6 individuals; SS members of the James Joyce Foundation; Õ 8 libraries. For more information, write to: Claire Culleton, Department of English, P.O. Box 248I45, University of Miami, Coral Gables FL 33124. 385 Twilight of Dawn Studies in English Literature in Transition O M BRACK, JR., ED. This collection of thirteen original essays focuses on the works of authors representing the "Transitional Period" linking Victorianism and Modernism, roughly 1880 to 1920. Each contributor has chosen a topic that illuminates a different aspect of this complex era. Contents 1. Some Aspects of Aestheticism/Ian Fletcher 2. Collecting the Quarrels: Whistler and The Gentle Art of Making EwmusfStanley Weintraub 3. Schopenhauerian Compassion, Fictional Structure, and the Reader: The Example of Hardy and Conrad/William J. Scheick 4. Hardy's Interest in the Law/Harold Orel 5. The Nature of Things: Hopkins and Scotus/Bemard J. Quint 6. A Reconsideration: Confessions of a Young Man as Farce/Robert Langenfeld 7. In Excelsis: Wilde's Epistolary Relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas/David B. Eakin 8. Oscar Wilde's Salome, the Salome Theme in Western Art, and a Problem of Method in Cultural History/Robert C. Schweik 9. The Publication of The Private life of Henry Maitlani: A Uterary Eventl Pierre Coustillas to7 Waifs of Memory: Arthur Symons' Confessions/Alan Johnson II Richard Le Gallienne and the Romanticism of the leWs/Wendell Harris 12. Bennett's Entertainments/Charles Burkhart 13. Publishable and Worth It: Forster's Hitherto Unpublished Fiction/ Frederick P. W. McDowell 245 pages (6 χ 91. $29.95 cloth. Published for the Arizona State University Centennial. The University of Arizona Press 1615 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85719 386 jmi Editor: Morton P. Levitt Founding Editor: Maurice Beebe Covering the literary history of the twentieth century, JML is devoted to scholarly analyses of Modernist and Post-Modernist literatures and to the cross-fertilization of the arts. Our coverage now includes world literatures. Special Issues William Carlos Williams · Nikos Kazantzakis · Film and Literature · William Butler Yeats · Gotham Book Mart · Modernism and Post-Modernism · Samuel Beckett · Franz Kafka · E. E. Cummings · John Fowles Forthcoming Special Number: American Poetry Review Annual Review Issues Our unique A/R issues review the major books published each year in the field and list as well the articles, dissertations, special numbers, and general information on modern literature published in the United States and throughout the world. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS INDIVIDUAL ISSUES $16/ individuals $5/ general $207 institutions $10/ Annual Review JOURNAL OF MODERN LITERATURE 921 Anderson Hall Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 387 ENGLISH LITERATURE IN TRANSITION, 1880-1920 Subscribe to ELT Articles Reviews Special Issues Bibliographies Foreign Reports Special Collections Reports RATES 1988-1990 United States Institution 3-Year: $36.00 or 1-Year: $13.00 Individual 3-Year: $30.00 or 1-Year: $11.00 Elsewhere Institution 3-Year: $42.00 or 1-Year:$15.00 Individual 3-Year: $36.00 or 1-Year:$13.00 Sendyourmailingaddressandtheappropriatepayment University of North Carolina, UNCG Department of English Greensboro, NC 27412-5001 388 ELT Press's & 1880-1920 British Authors Series Number Two Number One The Poetry of John Gray By Ian Fletcher John Henry Gray (1866-1934) is best remembered as the possible original of Oscar Wilde's famous fable The Picture of Dorian Gray. But Gray was himself poet, short story writer, novelist and translator of some distinction as well as an exquisite, a working class dandy, not to mention a person of singular personal beauty. His poetry and prose have recently begun to attract attention beyond a small circle. Such critics as Geoffrey Grigson, Bernard Bergonzi, Ruth Z. Temple and Isobel Murray have praised his work, while the devoted labor of Father Brocard Sewell on Gray's biography has also assisted in once more bringing this gifted and attractive figure to presence. One reason...

