In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

200 SEMINAR The Aesthetic Movement 28 Dec I974 700-8:45 p.m. Madison B .(Hilton) Program Karl Beckson Discussion Leader Ruth Z. Temple Truth in Labelling: Pre-Raphaelitism, Aestheticism, Decadence, Fin-de-Siècle James G. Nelson The Nature of the Aesthetic Experience in the Poetry of Ernest Dowson, Lionel Johnson and John Gray Karl Beckson A Mythology of Aestheticism Announcements The three papers designed to provide springboards for discussion are printed in full in this issue of ELT. They will not be read at the meeting. Each panelist will briefly present the highlights of his paper and the remaining time will be given to discussion of the problems and ideas suggested by the papers. A revised Instruction Manua1 for Abstracters has been prepared. This manual is intended only for compilers and contributing abstracters of ELT bibliographies and the book-length projects being published in the Annotated Secondary Bibliography Series by Northern Illinois University Press. We call your attention to the MLA meeting in San Francisco (1975)t where the ELT Seminar will deal with H. G. Wells. William J. Scheick will be Discussion Leader. Papers to be considered for this meeting should be sent to Professor Scheick as early as possible but no later than August, 1975· ...

