In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

76 BOOKS RECEIVED Aldous Huxley, ed by Robert E. Kuehn (Englewood Cliffs, NJi Prentice -Hall, 1974). $6.95i papen $2.45. The Collected Letters of Sir Arthur Pinero. ed by J. P. Wearing (Minneapolisι University of Minnesota P, 1974). Conrad, Borys. Coach Tour of Joseph Conrad's Homes in Kent (Farnham Printing Co. Ltd ι pvtly ptd, 1974). Coulling, Sidney. Matthew Arnold and His Critics ι A Study of Arnold's Controversies (Athens. Ohio ι Ohio UPT 1974).~f10.00. Currie, Robert. Genius« An Ideology in Literature (NYi Schocken Books, 1974). $10.00. Epstein, William H. John CIelandι Images of. a Life (NYi Columbia UP, 1974). $9.95. Esslin, Martin. Brechti The Man and His Work (NYi Norton [The Norton Library], 1974» first pub Garden Cityi Doubleday, 1959). Papen $3.95· Faurot, Ruth Marie. Jerome K. Jerome (NYi Twayne [TEAS 164], 1974). $7.50. Fowler, Douglas. Reading Nabokov (Ithacai Cornell UP, 1974). $9.75· George Orwell, ed by Raymond Williams (Englewood Cliffs, NJ« Prentice -Hall [Twentieth Century Views], 1974). $6.95» paper $2.45. Hillegas, Mark R. The Future as Nightmare « H. G. Wells and AntiUtopians (Carbondale & Edwardsvilleι Southern Illinois UP» London & Amsterdamι Feffer & Simons, Inc, I967). Paper $2.45. Kott, Jan. Shakespeare Our Contemporary (NYi Norton [The Norton Library], 1974» first pub Londi Methuen» NYi Doubleday, 1964). Papen $3.95· Lawrence, Frieda. "Not I, But the Wind . . ." (Carbondale1 Southern Illinois UP, 1974» first pub, NYi Viking P, 1934). $10.00. Lindauer, Martin S. The Psychological Study of Literature 1 Limitations . Possibilities, and Accomplishments (Chicago 1 NelsonHaIl , 1974). $11.00. Martin, Richard. The Love That Failed (Hague 1 Mouton, 1974). Fl. 32.Mix , Katherine. Max and the Americans (Brattleboro, Vermont 1 Stephen Greene P, 1974")7Tl2.95. Peters, H. F. My. Spouse. My Sister 1 A- Biography of Lou AndreasSalom é (NYi Norton [The Norton LibraryJ, 1974"» first pub Toronto « McLeod, I962). Paper« $3.95. Saposnik, Irving S. Robert Louis Stevenson (NYi Twayne [TEAS I67], 1974). $6.95. Saveson, J. E. Conrad. The Later Moralist (Amsterdami Rodopi, 1974). Seltzer, Alvin J. Chaos in the Novel — The Novel in Chaos (NYt Schocken, 1974). $17.50. Six Modern British Novelists, ed and intro by George Stade (NYi Columbia UP, 1974). $10.95. Sweetser, Wesley D. Ralph Hodgsom A Bibliography (Oswego, NYi pvtly ptd, 1974). NotTorSale. Thurman, Kelly. John Hay as a Man of Letters (Reseda, Cat Mojave Books, 1974T7"$8.00. Walker, Dorothea. Alice Brown (NYi Twayne [TUSAS 239]. 1974). $7.95. Wetherill, P. M. The Literary Text» An Examination of Critical Methods (Berkeley1 University of~California P,~T974). $12.95. ...

