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BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Clark, L. D. The Minoan Distance: The Symbolism of Travel in D. H. Lawrence (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona P, 1980). Cloth: $25.00; Paper: $12.95· Coustillas, Pierre. Thomas Hardy Nouvelles Choisies (Lille: Presses Universitaires De Lille, I98O), Ebbatson, Roger. Lawrence and the Nature Tradition A Theme in English Fiction 1859-1914 (Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities P, 1981)" $~4"Ö700. Faulkner, Peter. Against the Age: An Introduction jto William Morris (Winchester, MA: Allen & Unwin, I98O). Cloth: $27.50. Franklin E. Court. Pater and His Early Critics (Victoria: University of Victoria [ELS Monograph Series, No. 21], I98O). Hall, N. John. Trollope and His Illustrators (NY: St. Martin's P, 1980). $25.00. Hall, Wayne E. Shadowy Heroes Irish Literature p_f the 1890s (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 1980)" $20.00. Hannaford, Richard. Samuel Richardson: An Annotated Bibliography of Critical Studies (NY: Garland P, 198ÖT; $~4"ÖT00 Martin, Robert B. Tennyson: The Unquiet Heart (NY: Oxford UP, I98O). $25.00 until 1/1/BT7 $29.95 thereafter. Niven, Alastair. D. H. Lawrence The Writer and His Work (NY: Charles Schribner's Sons, I98O). $10.95. Page, Norman (ed). Thomas Hardy : The Writer and His Background (NY: St. Martin's P, 1980). $27.50. Redmond, James, et al (eds). The Year's Work in English Studies, LVIII (NJ: Humanities P, 198"O)"; $39.00. Weintraub, Stanley. London Yankees (NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , 1979). $14.95tfilcox , Earl J. (ed). The Call of The Wild by Jack London (Chicago : Nelson-Hall P, 19SÕ 77 Cloth:~$"Õ 7.95i Paper: $8.95. Wilde, Oscar; Ian Small (ed). Lady Windermere's Fan (Lond: Ernest Benn, 1980). Paperback: £2.95. ...

