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70 and strikes the best balance. I hope that libraries will buy all three books, because each of the authors has something worthwhile to add to the Rosenberg saga, but any one of the three is likely to give interesting insights to the individual reader. It is, however, somewhat disturbing to observe the discrepancies between the three accounts: names vary and occasionally dates or other facts vary. It perhaps hardly matters seriously. On the other hand, if Rosenberg is now to be given his due recognition, it is a pity that the authorities on him face us with further enigmas. One has the sense of trusting Professor Cohen most, since until her death in 196I he was in close touch with Rosenberg's sister Annie, who did more than anyone else to enhance her brother's reputation; yet Cohen perversely anglicises (or Americanises?) J. H. Amschewitz's name and allows a number of minor errors to creep into his text, such as the misquoting of Siegfried Sassoon's age (p. 15) or the irritating time confusion or omission later in the book (p. 134). Dr. Wilson, too, allows Wilfred Owen's name to be spelt wrong on the two occasions it occurs in her book; on such minor points Miss Liddiard appears to have taken more care. Let us not, however, make niggling criticisms over this bounty of homage to Isaac Rosenberg, but rather be glad that his name will now be better known, his background better understood and, when spring brings with it the rebirth of his Collected Works, his achievements better presented to scholars, students and general readers. University of Dundee, Scotland Hilda D. Spear BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Burgess, Anthony. Nothing like the Sun: A Story of Shakespeare's Love-life (1964; rptd NY: Norton, 1975)· PaperT $2.95. Colmer, John. E. M. Forster: The Personal Voice (Lond & Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975T· $18.50. Copeland, Hannah Case. Art and the Artist in the Works of Samuel Beckett (The Hague« Mouton, 1975)· Paper: DG^48,--/~T es (Publicaciones del departamento de ingles) (Espana: Universidad de Valladolid; Septiembre, 1975, Num. 5)· Gérin, Winifred. The Brontes« II. The Creative Work (Harlow Essex: Longman Group, 1974 ¿Distributed by British Book Centre, NY/). Paper: $1.20. Gill, Stephen. Scientific Romances of H. G. Wells: A Critical Study (Cornwall, Ontario: Vesta Publications, 1975). $4.50. Holland, Norman N. The Dynamics of Literary Re sponse (I968; rptd NY: Norton, 19751. Paper: ~?474Ε Γ Holland, Norman N. Poems in Persons: An. Introduction to the Psychoanalysis of Literature (1973: rptd NY: Norton, 1975). Paper: $2.95· Krishnamurti, G. (comp). The Eighteen-Nlneties« A Literary Exhibition, September 197*3« Supplement to the Catalogue (Londi Francis Thompson Society and Enitharmon P. 1974). Paper« $3·75· The Letters of Charles and Mary Anne Lamb« Volume ¿, Letters or Charles Lamb. 179S-180T. ed by Edwin W. Marre, Jr. TTthaca & Lond« Cornell UP. 1975). $25.00. Lewis. Wyndham. The. Vulgar Streak (1941» rptd NY« Jubilee Books, 1973). $10.00. Lewis, Wyndham. Tarr (1918» rptd NY« Jubilee Books, 1973). $12.50. Meyers, Jeffrey. Painting and the Novel (Manchester« Manchester up, 1975T $13.50. Poole, Adrian. Gissing in Context (Totowa. NJi Rowman & Littlefield. 1975). $19.00. Press. John. John Retoman (Harlow Eesexi Longman Group, 1974 ¿Distributed by British Book Centre, NY/). Papen $1.20. Sackton, Alexander (comp). The T. S. Eliot Collection of The University of Texas aj Austin (The University of Texas at Austin« Humanities Research Center, 1975)· $18.95· Sources for Re interpretation« The Use of Nineteenth-Century lZterary Documents (Essays in Honor of C. L. Cline) (Austin« Department of English and Humanities Research Center. 1975)· For private circulation only. Soyinka, WoIe. The Bacchae of Euripides« A. Communion Rite (1973i rptd NY« Norton, 1975)· Paper« $1.95. Young, Kenneth. H. G. Wells (Harlow, Essex« Longman Group, 1974 ¿Distributed by British Book Centre, NY/). Paper« $1.20. ...

