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BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Bell, Michael (ed). THE CONTEXT OF ENGLISH LITERATURE I9OO-I93O (NY: Holmes & Meier, I98O). Cloth: $29.50; paper: $16.95. Darwin, Charles. DARWIN, ed by Philip Appleman (NY: Norton [Norton Critical Edition]. 1979 [2nded¡ 1st ed, I970]). Eliot, George. ADAM BEDE, ed with intro by Stephen Gill (Harmondsworth , Middlesex: Penguin Books, I98O). $3.95· Eliot, George. THE MILL ON THE FLOWS, ed with intro by A. S. Byatt (Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1979). $3.95. Fallon, Ann Connerton. KATHERINE TYNAN (Bost: Twayne, 1979). $11.95. Farjeon, Eleanor. EDWARD THOMAS THE LAST FOUR YEARS (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1979). Geddes, Gary. CONRAD'S LATER NOVELS (Montreal: McGill-Queen·s UP, 1980). $15.95. Gloversmith, Frank (ed). CLASS, CULTURE AND SOCIAL CHANGE: A NEW VIEW OF THE 1930'S (Brighton, Sussex: Harvester P; Atlantic Highlands: Humanities P, I98O). $42.50. Gutierrez, Donald. LAPSING OUT: EMBODIMENTS OF DEATH AND REBIRTH IN THE LAST WRITINGS OF D. H. LAWRENCE (Rutherfordi Farleigh Dickinson UP; Lond: Associated UPs, I98O) . $14.50. Hardy, Emma. SOME RECOLLECTIONS, with an Introduction by Robert Gittings, together with some relevant poems by Thomas Hardy (Oxford & NY: Oxford UP, 1979). $12.95. Harvey, Geoffrey. THE ART OF ANTHONY TROLLOPE (NY: St. Martin's P, I98O). $22.50. Henkle, Roger B. COMEDY AND CLUTURE ENGLAND I82O-I9OO (Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, I98O). Cloth! $22.50; paper: $8.95. Hepburn, James (ed). ARNOLD BENNETT: SKETCHES FOR AUTOBIOGRAPHY (Lond: George Allen & Unwin, 1979). $17.95. Huddleston, Joan (comp). SARA GRAND [MRS. FRANCES ELIZABETH MCFALL, NEE CLARKE]: A BIBLIOGRAPHY (St. Lucia, Queensland: Department of English, University of Queensland [Victorian Fiction Research Guides I], I979). $16.00 for Ser 1 (1979-80) of four titles. Jenkins, Anthony (ed). THE ISLE OF LADIES or THE ILE OF PLEASUANCE (NY & Lond: Garland P, I98O), $20.00. ...

