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210 BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Amalric, Jean-Claude. Bernard Shaw; Du Réformateur Victorien au Prophète Edouardien | Etudes Anglaises 67J (Paris: Didier, 19777! Auburn, Mark S. Sheridan's Comedies, Their Contexts and Achievements (Lincoln: University of Nebraska P, 1978). $10.95Bayley , John. An Essay on Hardy (NY: Cambridge UP, 1978). $14.95. Berthoud, Jacques. Joseph Conrad, The Major Phase (NY: Cambridge UP, 1978) . Cloth! $~16.95¡ paper! $~5·95· Butler, Lance St. John. Thomas Hardy (NY: Cambridge UP, 1978). Cloth: $16.95; paper! $~5·95· Coustillas, Pierre, Jean-Pierre Petit, and Jean Raimond. Le Roman Anglais au XIXe Siècle (Presses Universitaires de France, 1978). Craekanthorpe, David. Hubert Craekanthorpe and English Realism in the 1890s (Columbia: University of Missouri P, 1977)· $To. 50. Echeruo, Michael J. C. The Conditioned Imagination from Shakespeare jto Conrad (NY; Holmes & Meier, 1978). $20.00. Higdon, David Leon. Time and English Fiction (Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1978). $17.50. Kennard, Jean E. Victims of Convention (Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1978). $12.50. Niven, Alastair. D. H. Lawrence, The Novels (NY; Cambridge UP, 1978). Cloth: $16.95; paper: $5-95Oberg , Charlotte H. A Pagan Prophet: William Morris (Charlottesville : University P of Virginia, 1978). $13.95. Olmsted, John Charles. George Meredith, An Annotated Bibliography 1925-1975 (NY & Lond: Garland, 1978). $18.00. Olmsted, John Charles, and Jeffrey Welch. The Reputation of Trollope, An Annotated Bibliography 1925-197? (NY: Garland, 1978). $27.00. Orr, John. Tragic Realism & Modern Society (Pittsburgh; Univversity of Pittsburgh P, 1978) . $14·. 95. 211 Robinson, John. JIn Extremity, A^ Study of Gerard Mahley Hopkins (NY: Cambridge UP, 1978). $14.95· Shewan, Rodney. Oscar Wilde, Art & Egotism (NY; Barnes & Noble, 1978). $22.50. Thwaite, Anthony. Twentieth-Century English Poetry (NY: Barnes & Noble, 1978). $11.50· ...

