In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Notes on the Contributors

Isabella Alcañiz is an assistant professor at the University of Houston. Her research lies at the intersection of comparative politics and international relations, with a particular focus on Latin America. She has published work on the effects of globalization on political advocacy and mass politics in Latin America. Currently, she is analyzing the politics of nuclear science and technology in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

Brian Connaughton is professor and researcher at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa. He has published widely on late-eighteenth-and late-nineteenth-century political culture and Catholicism in Mexico. His works include Dimensiones de la identidad patriótica: Religión, política y regiones en México, siglo XIX (Mexico City, 2001) and Clerical Ideology in a Revolutionary Age: The Guadalajara Church and the Idea of the Mexican Nation (1788–1853) (Calgary, 2003).

R. Douglas Cope is associate professor of history at Brown University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1987. He is the author of The Limits of Racial Domination: Plebeian Society in Colonial Mexico City, 1660–1720. His current research focuses on the informal economy in eighteenth-century Mexico City.

Jordi Díez is associate professor of political science at the University of Guelph and fellow of the Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto. He has written/edited Political Change and Environmental Policymaking in Mexico, Canadian and Mexican Security in the New North America and Global Environmental Challenges: Perspectives from the South, and his work has appeared in Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos and European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. His research interests include comparative politics, Latin American politics, processes of democratization, comparative public policy, environmental politics and policy, social movements, civil-military relations, North American security relations, and the politics of sexual minority rights.

Cecilia Dockendorff es fundadora y presidenta de Fundación Soles, organización no gubernamental dedicada a la investigación e intervención social. Es docente del magíster en análisis sistémico aplicado a la sociedad, de la Universidad de Chile. Es socióloga por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, magíster en antropología y desarrollo por la Universidad de Chile y Dra.(c) en sociología por la Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

María Alejandra Energici Sprovera es asistente de la unidad de investigación cualitativa de la escuela de psicología de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado y se ha desempeñado como docente de las cátedras "metodologías cualitativas" y "análisis de datos cualitativos" para la carrera de trabajo social en la misma universidad. [End Page 271]

Brian J. Fried is pursuing his Ph.D. in political science at Yale University. He received a master's degree in political science from the University of Chicago in 2006. His dissertation seeks to explain the decline of clientelism in Brazil's Northeast. Other research interests include identity politics, the health consequences of macroeconomic shocks in less developed countries, and furthering the application of multimethod approaches in political science.

Jorge Gelman se doctoró en historia en 1983 en la École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, de París. Es profesor titular de historia argentina en la Universidad de Buenos Aires e investigador principal del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas en el Instituto Ravignani de esa universidad. Fue presidente de la Asociación Argentina de Historia Económica. Ha publicado artículos y libros dedicados a la historia económica, social y política de Argentina y América Latina referidos al período colonial y al siglo XIX. Recientemente ha escrito Rosas, estanciero: Gobierno y expansión ganadera (colección Claves para Todos, Capital Intelectual, Buenos Aires, 2005) y ha compilado La historia económica argentina en la encrucijada: Balances y perspectivas (Editorial Prometeo Libros/Asociación Argentina de Historia Económica, Buenos Aires, 2006). Dirige la colección Nudos de la historia argentina en la editorial Sudamericana.

Simón Pedro Izcara Palacios is professor of rural sociology at the Department of Sociology (UAMCEH), Tamaulipas University, Mexico, and is a member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico...

