In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Islands

History, general

5348 Allen, R.B., The Constant demand of the French: the Mascarene slave trade and worlds of the Indian Ocean and Atlantic during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Journal of African history 2008 49 1 43–72


5349 Walsh, M.T., Island subsistence: hunting, trapping and the translocation of wildlife in the western Indian Ocean Islands. Azania 2007 42 83–113

Cape Verde


5350 McMahon, C.S., Mimesis and the historical imagination: (re) staging history in Cape Verde, West Africa. Theatre research international 2008 33 2 20–39


5351 Atchoaréna, D., Dias Da Gupta, P., Marquez, J.M., Strategies for post-primary education in small island developing states (SIDS): lessons from Cape Verde. Comparative education 2008 44 2 177–85


5352 Duarte, M.C. and others, Plant species richness in Cape Verde Islands – eco-geographical determinants. Biodiversity and conservation 2008 17 3 453–66

History, C19th

5353 Brookes, G.E., Samuel Hodges Jr and the symbiosis of slave and ‘legitimate’ trades, 1810s–1820s. International journal of African historical studies 2008 41 1 101–16

International Economic Relations

5354 Carling, J., Haugen, H.O., Mixed fates of a popular minority: Chinese migrants in Cape Verde, in Alden, C., Large, D. and Soares de Oliveira, R. (eds), China returns to Africa, pp. 319–37. (Item No. 632)


5355 Baptista, M., Mello, H., Suzuki, M., Kabe verdianu or Cape Verdean, and Kriyol or Guinea Bissau (Creole Portuguese), in Holm, J.A. and Patrick, P.L. (eds), Comparative Creole syntax, pp. 53–82. (Item No. 765) [End Page 343]
5356 Märzhauser, C., Cabo Verde: origens de sua sociedade e do seu crioulo. Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages 2008 23 1 147–52


5357 Rich, T.S., Island microstates and political contention: an exploratory analysis of Cape Verde and Comoros. African and Asian studies 2008 7 2–3 217–33



See also: 5357

Religion – Islam

5358 AuMohammed, T., Le Transmission de l’islam aux Comores (1933–2000): le cas de la ville de Mbéni (Grande Comore). Paris L’Harmattan 2008 192 pp.


5359 Louette, M. and others, Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de la Grande Comore, de Moheli et d’Anjouan. Tervuren Musée royale de l’Afrique centrale 2008 240 pp.



5360 Noiret, F., Le mythe d’Ibonia, le grand Prince (Madagascar). Paris Karthala 2008 491 pp.
5361 Rakoto Ramiarantsoa, H., Nuages, vents et pluies: scruter le ‘visage du firmament’ en Imerina. Cahiers d’outre-mer 2007 60 240 319–40


5362 Minten, B., Barrett, C.B., Agricultural technology, productivity and poverty in Madagascar. World development 2008 36 4 797–822


5363 Ballarin, M-P., How spirits travel along the western Indian Ocean rims: the example of the Sakalava ‘tromba’ from north-west Madagascar (nineteenth–twentieth centuries). Azania 2007 42 53–67
5364 Ballarin, M-P., Le «roi est nu »: Les imaginaires du sacré dans la tourmente judiciare: procès autour des regalia de la royauté sakalava du Boina, nord-ouest de Madagascar, 1957–2006. Cahiers d’études africaines 2008 48 4 665–85
5365 Marcus, R.R., Tòkana: the collapse of the rural Malagasy community. African studies review 2008 51 1 85–104

Current Affairs

5366 Marcus, R.R., Onjala, J., Exit the state: decentralization and the need for local social, political and economic considerations in water resource allocation in Madagascar and Kenya. Journal of human development 2008 9 1 23–45


5367 Andriamihaja, N., Vecchi, G., Evaluation of the welfare impact of higher energy prices in Madagascar, in Go, D.S. and Page, J. (eds), Africa at a turning point? pp. 461–84. (Item No. 337)
5368 Duffy, R., Neoliberalising nature: global networks and ecotourism development in [End Page 344] Madagascar. Journal of sustainable tourism 2008 16 3 327–44
5369 Gubert, F., Risk and schooling decisions in rural Madagascar: a panel data-analysis. Journal of African economies 2008 17 2 207–38
5370 Nicito, A., Who benefits from export-led growth? Evidence from Madagascar’s textile and apparel industry. Journal of African economies 2008 17 3 465–89
5371 Sarrasin, B., Le Projet minier de QIT Madagascar Mineral à Tolagnaro (Fort...

