In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Southern Africa


4037 Farley, J., Southern Africa. Abingdon Routledge 2008 155 pp.
4038 Saul, J.S., Decolonization and Empire: contesting the rhetoric and reality of resubordination in southern Africa and beyond. London Merlin Press 2008 202 pp.


4039 Archer, E. and others, Sustaining agricultural production and food security in southern Africa: an improved role for climate prediction? Climatic change 2007 83 3 287–300


4040 Bonvillain, N., Ju/hoansi healers, in Women and men, pp. 288–91. (Item No. 139)
4041 Konner, M.J., Infant care in the Kalahari desert, in Levine, R. A. and New, R.S. (eds), Anthropology and child development: a cross-cultural reader, Malden, Oxford: Blackwell 2008, pp. 66–72.
4042 Wessels, M., The /Xam narratives; whose myths? African studies 2008 67 3 339–64
4043 Wessels, M., ‘The Story in which children are sent to throw the sleeping sun into the sky’: power, identity and difference in a /Xam narrative. Journal of southern African studies 2008 34 3 479–94


4044 Huffman, T.N., Leokwe and K’: ethnic stratification during the Middle Iron Age in southern Africa. Journal of African archaeology 2007 5 2 163–88
4045 Jeradino, A., Navarro, R., Shell morphometry of seven limpet species from coastal shell middens in southern Africa. Journal of archaeological science 2008 35 4 1023–29
4046 Mackay, A., A Method for estimating edge length from flake dimensions: use and implications for technological change in the southern African MSA. Journal of archaeological science 2008 35 3 614–22
4047 Sadr, K., An Ageless view of first millennium AD southern African ceramics. Journal of African archaeology 2008 6 1 103–29


4048 Keakopa, S., Management of electronic mail: challenge for archivists and records managers in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. ESARBICA journal 2008 27 72–83 [End Page 262]


4049 Impey, A., Sound, memory and dis/placement: exploring sound, song and performance as oral history in the southern African borderlands. Oral history 2008 36 1 33–44


4050 Taylor, S., Lost in Africa [memoir – Rhodesian Bush War]. Johannesburg 30° South 2007 200 pp.


4051 Ramdhani, S., Barker, N.P., Baijnath, H., Exploring the Afromontane centre of endemism: Kniphofia Moench (Asphodelaceae) as a floristic indicator. Journal of biogeography 2008 35 12 2258–73

Current Affairs

4052 Hammar, A., Rodgers, G., Introduction: notes on political economies of displacement in southern Africa. Journal of contemporary African studies 2008 26 4 355–70
4053 Hartmann, C., Local government & the management of conflict in fragmented societies: South Africa, Namibia & Mauritius compared, in Nhema, A. and Zeleza, P.T. (eds), The Resolution of African conflicts, pp. 89–105. (Item No. 271)
4054 Landau, L.B., Vigneswaren, D., Shifting the focus of migration back home: perspectives from southern Africa. Development 2007 50 4 82–87
4055 Nyamnjoh, F.B., Insiders and outsiders: citizenship and xenophobia in contemporary southern Africa. London Zed Books 2006 273 pp.
4056 Rodgers, G., Everyday life and the political economy of displacement on the Mozambique–South Africa borderland. Journal of contemporary African studies 2008 26 4 385–99


4057 du Toit, A., Living on the margins: the social dynamics of economic marginalisation. Arid land research and management 2008 8 2 135–50
4058 Estache, A., Tovar, B., Trujilo, L., How efficient are African electricity companies? Evidence from the southern African countries. Energy policy 2008 36 5 1969–79
4059 Harmann, R. and others, Towards collective business action and cross-sector collaboration in responsible competitiveness clusters in southern Africa. Development southern Africa 2008 25 1 99–118


4060 Perry, K.H., Primary school literacy in southern Africa: African perspectives. Comparative education 2008 44 1 57–73

Education – Higher

4061 Mokopakgosi, B.T., The University in Botswana and the liberation struggle in southern Africa (1973–1980). Social dynamics 2008 34 1 33–45


4062 Biggs, R. and others, Scenarios of bidiversity loss in southern Africa in the 21st [End Page 263] century. Global environmental change 2008 18 2 296–306
4063 Bocchino, C., Landmines and conservation in southern Africa: peace parks in the aftermath of armed conflict. African security review 2007 16 2 78–93
4064 Chanda, R., Eckardt, F., Reappraisal of contemporary...

