In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Central Africa


See also: 3745

3743 Fouts, H.N., Father involvement with young children among the Aka and Bofi foragers. Cross-cultural research 2008 42 3 290–312


3744 Schmitt, D.N., Lupoik, D., Do faunal remains reflect socioeconomic status? An ethnoarchaeological study among Central African farmers in the northern Congo Basin. Journal of anthropological archaeology 2008 27 3 315–25


3745 LaGamma, A. (ed.), Eternal ancestors: the art of the Central African reliquary. New York Metropolitan Museum of Art 2007 355

History, general

3746 MacGaffey, W., Crossing the river: myth and movement in Central Africa, in Heintze, B. and Van Oppen, A. (eds), Angola on the move, pp. 221–42. (Item No. 3779)
3747 Miller, J.C., From group mobility to individual movement: the colonial effort to turn back history, in Heintze, B. and van Oppen, A. (eds), Angola on the move, pp. 243–62 (Item No. 3779)

History, C20th

3748 Brinkman, I., Refugees on routes. Congo/Zaire and the war in northern Angola, in Heintze, B. and van Oppen, A. (eds), Angola on the move, pp. 198–220. (Item No. 3779)
3749 Butler, L.J., The Central African Federation and Britain’s post-war nuclear programme: reconsidering the connections. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history 2008 36 3 509–25
3750 Cohen, A., Business and decolonisation in Central Africa revisited. Journal of imperial and Commonwealth history 2008 36 4 641–58
3751 Mavhunga, C., Spierenburg, M., A finger on the pulse of the fly: hidden voices of colonial anti-tsetse science on the Rhodesian and Mozambican borderlands, 1945–56. South African historical journal 2007 58 117–41

International Relations

3752 van Leeuwen, M., Imagining the Great Lakes Region: discourses and practices of civil society regional approaches for [End Page 240] peacebuilding in Rwanda, Burundi and DR Congo. Journal of modern African studies 2008 46 3 393–426


3753 Luffin, X., The Use of Arabic as a written language in central Africa: the case of the Uele basin (northern Congo) in the late nineteenth century. Sudanic Africa 2004 15 145–77


3754 Roscoe, A., The Columbia Guide to Central African Literature in English. New York Columbia University Press 2008 302 pp.

Science and Technology

See also: 3751


3755 van Vliet, N., Nasi, R., Mammal distribution in a Central African logging concession area. Biodiversity and conservation 2008 17 5 1241–49



3756 Chabal, P., Vidal, N., Angola: the weight of history. London Hurst 2007 246 pp.
3757 Dowden, R., A Tick bigger than the dog, in Africa: altered states, ordinary miracles, pp. 199–222. (Item No. 39)
3758 Henriques Lopes, A.M., Presenza brasiliana in terra angolana. Terra d’Africa 2006 81–93
3759 Péclard, D. (ed.), Les chemins de la reconversion autoritaire en Angola. Politique africaine 2008 110


3760 Gutierrez, M., L’art rupestre de la province de Namibe, Angola étude des sites par rapport à leur position topographique. Journal of African archaeology 2008 6 1 21–32


3761 Moorman, M.J., Intonations: a social history of music and nation in Luanda, Angola from 1945 to recent times. Athens Ohio University Press 2008 290 pp.

Current Affairs

3762 Mabeko-Tali, J.M., Entre économie rentière et violence politico-militaire: la question cabindaise et le processus de paix angolais. Politique africaine 2008 110 65–83
3763 Maier, K., Angola: promises and lies. London Serif 2007 224 pp.
3764 Malaquis, A., Angola: how to lose a guerrilla war, in Bøås, M. and Dunn, K.C. (eds) African guerrillas, pp. 199–220 (Item No. 220)
3765 Mbiki, D.D., Mbiki, E.G., L’Épopée du diamant du sang en Afrique: un creuser zaïro-congolais à Lunda Norte. Paris L’Harmattan 2008 282 pp.
3766 Mills, G., From confusão to estamos juntos: bigness, development and state dysfunction in Angola, in Clapham, C., Herbst, J. and Mills, G. (eds), Big African states, pp. 123–34. (Item No. 28)
3767 Pearce, J., L’UNITA à recherche de son peuple. Carnets d’une non-compagne sur la [End Page 241] Planalto. Politique africaine 2008 110 47–64
3768 Péclard, D., Les chemins de la reconversion autoritaire en Angola. Politique africaine 2008 110...

