In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • West Central Africa

Current Affairs

3625 Saïbou, I., La prise d’otages aux confins du Cameroun de la Centrafrique et du Tchad: une nouvell modalité du banditisme transfrontalier. Polis 2006 13 1/2 119–45


3626 Balas, N., Nicolson, S.E., Klotter, D., The Relationship of rainfall variability in west central Africa to sea-surface fluctuations. Internationl journal of climatology 2008 27 10 1335–49

History, C20th

3627 MacGaffey,W., Kongo slavery remembered by themselves: texts from 1915. International journal of African historical studies 2008 41 1 55–76

International Economic Relations

3628 Gnimpieba Tonnang, E., Recherches sur le nouvel encadrement communautaire des ententes anticoncurrentielles. Penant 2008 118 862 5–35



3629 Gouaffo, A., Bilder im Kopf. Kontext ihrer Entstehung und Möglichkeit ihrer Überwindung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Kameruns und Deutschlands. Mont Cameroun 2007 4 115–27
3630 Pineteh, E., Cultural associations, clothing and food as markers of cultural identity in testimonies of Cameroonian forced migrants in Johannesburg. African and Black diaspora 2008 1 1 87–99


3631 Bertoncin, M., Un gigante dai piedi d’argilla: la SEMRY di Yagoua (Camerun). Terra d’Africa 2006 149–71


See also: 3660

3632 Argenti, N., Dancing in the borderlands: the forbidden masquerades of Oku youth & women, Cameroon, in Honwana, A. and de Boeck, F. (eds), Makers & breakers, pp. 121–49. (Item No. 51)
3633 Hayashi, K., Hunting activities in forest camps among the Baka hunter-gatherers of [End Page 230] southeastern Cameroon. African study monographs 2008 29 2 73–92
3634 Makuchi, The Sacred Door and other stories: Cameroon folktales of the Beba. Athens Ohio University Press 2008 205 pp.
3635 Nkwi, W.G., Folk-song and history among the Kom of northwest Cameroon. Humanities review journal 2006 6 62–76
3636 Warnier, J-P., Corps, technologies du pouvoir et appropriation de la modernité au Cameroun. Politique africaine 2007 107 23–41


3637 Nelson, S., From Cameroon to Paris: Mousgoum architecture in and out of Africa. Chicago, London University of California Press 2007 247 pp.


3638 Che, D.N., Performance as tradition and creator – the example of the western grasslands of Cameroon, in Arndt, S., Breitinger, E. and Spitczok von Brisinski, M. (eds), Theatre, performance and new media in Africa, pp. 25–35. (Item No. 160)
3639 Doho, G., People theater and grassroots empowerment in Cameroon. Trenton, NJ Africa World Press 2006 236 pp.
3640 Kom, A., Promoting a cultural militancy: examples from Cameroon and Germany, in Arndt, S. and Berndt, K. (eds), Words and worlds, pp. 162–67. (Item No. 820)
3641 Murphy, D., Williams, P., Jean-Pierre Bekelo, in Postcolonial African cinema, pp. 188–204. (Item No. 177)


3642 Aitken, R., From Cameroon to Germany and back via Moscow and Paris: the political career of Joseph Bilé (1892–1959), performer, ‘Negerarbeiter’ and Comintern activist. Journal of contemporary history 2008 43 4 597–616.

Current Affairs

3643 Nkwi, W.G., The Dilemma of civil society in Cameroon since 1990: which way forward? African journal of international affairs 2006 9 1/2 91–106
3644 Pelican, M., Mborogo claims to regional citizenship and minority status in north-west Cameroon. Africa 2008 78 4 540–60
3645 Pommerolle, M-E., Routines autoritaires et innovations militantes: le cas d’un mouvement étudiant au Cameroun. Politique africaine 2007 108 152–72
3646 Tamekou, R., The National Governance Programme (2006–10) and the modernization of the administration: Cameroon and new public management. International review of administrative sciences 2008 74 2 217–34
3647 Tchoupie, A., L’institutionnalisation de la lutte contre la corruption et la criminalité financière au Cameroun. Polis 2006 13 1/2 57–80
3648 Ze, M.P., L’emploi dans l’administration publique camerounaise entre precarité et pérennité. Cahiers africains d’administration publique 2006 67 1–18 [End Page 231]

Current Affairs

See also: 3691


3649 Baye, F.M., Changing land tenure arrangements and access to primary assets under globalization: a case study of two villages in Anglophone Cameroon. African development review 2008 20 1 135–62
3650 Kobou, G., Njinku, D., Fosso, B.P., The Political economy of Cameroon’s post-independence growth experience, in Ndulu, B.J. and...

