In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Africa


See also: 545

1 Directory of African Foundations 2008. Sydney Africa Pacific Infoserv 2008 121 pp.
2 Special issue: Tribute to Joseph Ki-Zerbo. CODESRIA bulletin 2007 3 & 4
3 The Power of water: landscape, water and the state in southern and eastern Africa. Journal of southern African studies 2008 34 4
4 Aber, E., Einleitung zum Themenschwerpunkt ‘Familienwandel in Afrika’. Afrika Spectrum 2007 42 2 151–61
5 Adar, K.G. (ed.), Special issue on the riparian states of the Nile River, their national interests and regional stability. African sociological review 2007 11 1
6 Affaya, N., Guerraoui, D., L’Afrique vue par ses jeunes: le chaos et l’espoir. Rabat, Paris ARCI, L’Harmattan 2007 194 pp.
7 Aikawa-Faure, N., Safeguarding of the African intangible cultural heritage, in Yoshida, K. and Mack, J. (eds), Preserving the cultural heritage of Africa, pp. 96–103. (Item No. 120)
8 Ajani ya Azibo, D., Psychological Africanicity (racial identity) and its influence on support for reparations. Journal of Negro education 2008 77 2 117–31
9 Alden, C., Africa without Europeans, in Alden, C., Large, D. and Soares Oliveira, R. (eds), China returns to Africa, pp. 349–59. (Item No. 632)
10 Allen, T., Cheikh Anta Diop’s two cradle theory revisited. Journal of Black studies 2008 38 5 795–805
11 Alvergne, C., Quelles politiques territoriales pour inscrire l’Afrique dans la mondialisation? l’aménagement du territoire en Afrique subsaharienne. Cahiers d’outre-mer 2007 60 238 203–16
12 Amnesty International, Amnesty International’s recommendation to the African Union Assembly. London Amnesty International 2008 7 pp.
13 Ansham, L., African Studies in China in the twentieth century, in Zeleza, P.T. (ed.), The Study of Africa vol 2, pp. 336–68. (Item No. 126)
14 Arndt, S., German inventions of Africa: many identities, few hopes, in Arndt, S. and Berndt, K. (eds), Words and worlds, pp. 1–15. (Item No. 820)
15 Epstein, I. (ed.), The Greenwood enyclopaedia of children’s issues worldwide: sub-Saharan Africa. Westport Greenwood Press 2008 594 pp.
16 Barber, K., Introduction: hidden innovators in Africa, in Barber, K. (ed.), Africa’s hidden histories, pp. 1–24. (Item No. 17)
17 Barber, K. (ed.), Africa’s hidden histories: everyday literacy and making the self. Bloomington [End Page 1] Indiana University Press 2008 451 pp.
18 Barry, B., Soumonni, E., Sansone, L. (eds), Africa, Brazil and the construction of transatlantic Black identities. Trenton, NJ Africa World Press 2008 346 pp.
19 Bell, S., La recherche scientifique et le développement en Afrique: idées nomades. Paris Karthala 2008 274 pp.
20 Bellagamba, A., l’Africa e la stregoneria: saggio di antropologia storica. Bari GLF Editori Laterza 2008 218 pp.
21 Biswas, A., African Studies in India, in Zeleza, P.T. (ed.), The Study of Africa vol 2, pp. 305–14. (Item No. 126)
22 Bouju, J., de Bruijn, M., Violences sociales & exclusions. Le développement social de l’Afrique. Bulletin de l’APAD 2008 27–28 1–12
23 Broomh, O.N., États Nations et citoyenneté: enjeux africains dans le contexte actuel de mondialisation. Éthiopiques 2007 79 221–35
24 Calandara, L.M., Per un Atlante del turismo sostenibile in Africa. Terra d’Africa 2006 19–49
25 Chelala, N., L’albinos en Afrique: la blancheur noire énigmatique. Paris L’Harmattan 2008 218 pp.
26 Chenntouf, T., l’Afrique face à la mondialisation. Présence africaine 2006 173 213–24
27 Clapham, C., Africa’s guerrillas revisited, in Bøås, M. and Dunn, K.C. (eds) African guerrillas, pp. 221–33. (Item No. 220)
28 Clapham, C., Herbst, J., Mills, G. (eds), Big African states: Angola, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa. Johannesburg Wits University Press 2006 301 pp.
29 Cobley, A., ‘Returning to the Caribbean by way of Africa’: African Studies in the Caribbean in historical perspective, in Zeleza, P.T. (ed.), The Study of Africa vol 2, pp. 277–94. (Item No. 126)
30 Comaroff, J., Comaroff, J.L., Reflections on youth: from the past to the postcolony, in Honwana, A. and de Boeck, F. (eds), Makers & breakers, pp. 19–30. (Item No. 51)
31 Court, A., Debate: Imperialism...

