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224 ELT FORUM 1. Moore and Dolmetsch (Professor Watson Replies to Mr. Weaver) 1 do not question the validity of Mr. Jack Weaver's "Notes on George Moore and and Professor Watson,"' but 1 do question the direction of his argument. His questioning of Moore's debt to Dujardin and of my statement that Moore resigned from the Irish theatre and lost interest in the movement Is legitimate but need extensive treatment elsewhere than in connection with Moore's debt to Dolmetsch. These two points were not the concern of my article; 1 accepted the points of view on these matters of Malcolm Brown, Moore's most recent biographer. Brown states·that Dujardin was the "chief source" for Moore's knowledge of Wagner and Palestrina.3 Secondly, Brown declares that in the year of Moore's collaboration with Yeats and the writing of DIARMlD AND GRANIA Moore, Yeats, and Martyn "had inevitably fallen out with one another and parted" and "Moore and Martyn had withdrawn from the theatre leaving Yeats and Lady Gregory in full command."^ Perliaps Mr. Weaver's argument is with Malcolm Brown rather than with me. Certainly he might well investigate completely Moore's connections with Martyn. Notes 1 ELT, Vl: 3 (1963), 145-50, a comment on Sara Ruth Watson's "George Μοβre and the Dolmetsches," ELT, Vl: 2 (1963), 65-75· 2 Malcolm Brown, GEORGE MOORE: A RECONSIDERATION (Seattle: University of Washington P, 1955). 3 Ibid, pp. 141-42. 4 Ibid, p. 153. Fenn College Sara Ruth Watson 2. Erratum: Coustillas' "George Gisslnq's Feminine Portraiture'' Mr. James J. Haydock writes to point out that THE EMANCIPATED is confused with THE ODD WOMEN In Coustillas' article, ELT, Vl: 3 (1963), '37. The passage in question should read as follows: Gissing voices his irony through the progreos of the plot: in the first chapter of THE ODD WOMEN [not THE EMANCIPATED], Dr. Madden dies in an accident, just after informing his six daughters of his intention of buying a life insurance. The error resulted from editorial excisions. We stand corrected. ...

