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43 BIBLIOGRAPHY, NEWS, AMD NOTES 3y Helmut E. Gerber In this section we give in alphabetical order the authors about whom we have previously listed articles, books, reviews, dissertations, or work in progress, or for whom various researchers have promised annotated bibliographies. We list these authors here and shall list them in future numbers whether we have items to place under their names or not. In the first number of EFT (Fall-Winter 1957) we listed 34 authors; in the present number we list 41. In addition, to the continuing work on the 41 authors we now list, we are also engaged on major projects dealing with three or four more authors; these projects we shall announce when they are closer to completion. By the end of 1962 we hope to be dealing with approximately 50 authors publishing actively between the years 1880 and about 1920. The editor is grateful, in the preparation of this section, for the assistance of, especially, Mr. Syed Hamid Husain and Edward S. Lauterbach. Items annotated by persons other than the editor are signed or initialed. ARNOLD BENNETT Buckstead, Richard Chris. "H. G. Wells, Arnold Bennett, John Galsworthy: Three Novelists in Revolt Against the Middle Class," DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS, XX (I960), 4652-53. Ph.D. Thesis completed at State University of Iowa. Ivasheva, V. "Illusion and Reality [About the Work of Charles P. Snow]," INOSTRANNAJA LITERATURA [Foreign Literature], No. 6 (June I960), 198-203. [Not seen, but abstracter for AES, IV (Jan 1961), Item 63, says Snow "proceeds not from the tradition of Trollope (as the British critics insist) but rather from Dickens and Bennett."] [Katarsky] Kennedy, James G. "Literary Convention and the Realistic Novels of Arnold Bennett." Ph.D. Dissertation completed (I960 under William Van O'Connor, University of Minnesota. In attempting to outline a new theory of literary conventions, Kennedy uses Bennett to illustrate the Spencerian convention. "In the major novels, Spencer's principles of force, motion, causation, evolution, and dissolution were the grounds for recurrent conditions of the novels' actions.... In constructing the psychologies of Edwin and Raingo in CLAYHAMGER and LORD RAlNGO, Bennett followed Spencer's explanations of insight and of the equivalences of forces.... Bennett frequently and seriously used words that were commonplace in Spencer's writings, and he depended upon Spencer's psychology of women for his realistic heroines." The audience of 1900-1914, like Bennett, also had "an increasing taste for things sociological," a taste and a knowledge assumed by such writers as VJeI Is, Scott-James and others. Salisbury, Laurence. "Weekend with Arnold Bennett," VIRGINIA QUARTERLY REVIEW, XXXVlI (Spring I960, 259-68. Introduced to Moberly sisters, Salisbury then meets Mrs. John Atkins, through whom he hopes to meet Bennett and 44 others. The piece ends with a letter from B, to Mrs. Atkins begging off meeting the American. [A not very clever or useful piece, somewhat in the nature of a "joke,"] Williams, David. "Striking It Rich and Early," TIME AND TIDE, XLl (16 July 1360), 833-40. Rev-art, Harris Wilson, ed., ARNOLD BEMHETT AND H, G. WELLS. Correspondence before 1312 is best; both men became rich too soon and suffered in consequence. JOHN DAVYS BERESFORD SIR WALTER BESANT JOHN SUCHAi!, LORD TWEEDSMUIR John Buchan is listed here for the first time, although we have previously announced that a project destined for publication in EFT is in progress, The appearance of 3uchan's name here and in future numbers only serves as a reminder that he has not been forgotten. SAMUEL BUTLER Empson, William. SOME VERSIONS OF PASTORAL. Lond: Chatto & Windus, 1935; 2nd impression, 1950. Pp. 63, 102, 213, 265. Brief refs. [ESL] Hill, Laurie, Ltd. (Montreal, Canada) "Collections of Books By and On William Henry Davies, Stephen Phillips, Samuel Butler (EREWHON)," CATALOGUE No 2 (Nov I960). Lists for sale 21 i terns by and on B, including first eds, inscribed presentation copies, vocal scores by B. and Henry Festing Jones (2) and a first ed (Lond, 1303) of THE WAY OF ALL FLESH (quoted at $150.00). Lunn, Arnold [Henry Moore]. LOOSE ENDS. Lond: Hutchinson [1919], Pp. 136, 133. Quirk, an intelligent tutor, praises the subtlety of B's portrait of Pontifex at the expense of...

